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Código Polar
More LessEl Código internacional para los buques que operen en aguas polares se ha elaborado como complemento de los instrumentos actuales de la OMI con objeto de incrementar la seguridad de las operaciones de los buques y reducir sus repercusiones en las personas y el medio ambiente en las aguas polares, remotas, vulnerables y posiblemente inhóspitas.
Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
More LessThis model course aims to meet the mandatory minimum standards of competence in personal safety and social responsibilities in accordance with section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code, table A-VI/1-4. The course is designed to prepare new recruits for life on a ship at sea where they will experience a vastly different living and working environment compared to that if they were living and working ashore.
Recueil sur la navigation polaire
More LessLe Recueil international de règles applicables aux navires exploités dans les eaux polaires (Recueil sur la navigation polaire) a été élaboré pour compléter les instruments de l’OMI existants afin de renforcer la sécurité de l’exploitation des navires et d’atténuer son impact sur les gens et l’environnement dans les eaux polaires, qui sont éloignées, vulnérables et peuvent être inhospitalières.
Le Recueil sur la navigation polaire traite l'ensemble des questions de conception, de construction, d'armement, d'exploitation, de formation et de recherche et de sauvetage qui intéressent les navires exploités dans les eaux polaires. Il comprend des mesures obligatoires portant sur la sécurité (partie I-A) et la prévention de la pollution (partie II-A) et des dispositions ayant valeur de recommandation (parties I-B et II-B).
Código SSCI
More LessLa presente publicación contiene especificaciones técnicas para los sistemas y equipos de seguridad contra incendios prescritos en el capítulo II-2 del Convenio SOLAS sobre:
- conexiones internacionales a tierra
- protección del personal
- extintores de incendios
- sistemas fijos de extinción de incendios por gas
- sistemas fijos de extinción de incendios a base de espuma
- sistemas fijos de extinción de incendios por aspersión de agua a presión y por nebulización
- sistemas automáticos de rociadores, de detección de incendios y de alarma contraincendios
- sistemas fijos de detección de incendios y de alarma contraincendios
- sistemas de detección de humo por extracción de muestras
- sistemas de alumbrado a baja altura
- bombas fijas contraincendios de emergencia
- disposición de los medios de evacuación
- sistemas fijos a base de espuma instalados en cubierta
- sistemas de gas inerte
- sistemas fijos de detección de gases de hidrocarburos
En esta edición se incluyen también resoluciones y circulares de la OMI que guardan relación con el Código.
FSS Code
More LessThe International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) presents engineering specifications for fire safety equipment and systems required by SOLAS chapter II-2 including, among others: international shore connections; personnel protection: fire extinguishers: fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems; fixed foam fire-extinguishing systems; fixed pressure water-spraying and watermist fire-extinguishing systems; automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems; fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems; sample extraction smoke detection systems; low-location lighting systems; fixed emergency fire pumps; arrangement of means of escape; fixed deck foam systems; inert gas systems; and fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems.
More LessIMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS) contains all relevant resolutions adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in the process of the institutionalization of the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS), as well as other documents developed to support its effective implementation. It includes:
- Framework and Procedures for IMSAS
- IMO Instruments Implementation Code (III Code)
- 2013 non-exhaustive list of obligations under instruments relevant to the III Code
- Amendments to conventions making the use of the III Code mandatory in audits of Member States
- Other resolutions
- Auditor’s Manual for IMSAS.
Port Facility Security Officer
More LessThis model course aims to assist instructors in the design and delivery of Port Facility Security officer (PFSO) training courses by linking the knowledge required to competently perform the duties and responsibilities of a PFSO, as identified in MSC.1/Circ.1188, Guidelines on Training and Certification for Port Facility Security Officers (22 May 2006), to the relevant guidance material contained in the Guide to Maritime Security and the ISPS Code, 2012 Edition and identifying opportunities to increase the level of knowledge in certain key areas of responsibility.
Recueil FSS
More LessLe Recueil international de règles applicables aux systèmes de protection contre l’incendie (Recueil FSS) contient les spécifications techniques applicables au matériel et aux systèmes de protection contre l’incendie prescrites par le chapitre II-2 de la Convention SOLAS qui concernent :
- les raccords internationaux de jonction avec la terre
- la protection du personnel
- les extincteurs d’incendie
- les dispositifs fixes d’extinction de l’incendie par le gaz
- les dispositifs fixes d’extinction de l’incendie à mousse
- les dispositifs fixes d’extinction de l’incendie par projection d’eau diffusée sous pression et par diffusion d’eau en brouillard
- les dispositifs automatiques d’extinction de l’incendie par eau diffusée, de détection et d’alarme d’incendie
- les dispositifs fixes de détection et d’alarme d’incendie
- les dispositifs de détection de la fumée par prélèvement d’échantillons d’air
- le système d’éclairage à faible hauteur
- la disposition des pompes d’incendie de secours fixes
- l’aménagement des moyens d’évacuation
- les dispositifs fixes à mousse sur pont
- les dispositifs à gaz inerte
- les dispositifs fixes de détection des gaz d’hydrocarbure
La présente édition contient également des résolutions de l’OMI et circulaires relatives au Recueil.
Chief Engineer Officer and Second Engineer Officer
More LessThis model course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A-Ill/2 of STCW Code for the function Marine Engineering at the Management Level, for the function Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering at the Management Level, for the function Maintenance and Repair at the Management Level and the background knowledge to support Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board at the Management Level.
Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships
More LessThe Code includes: a format for noise survey reports; guidance on the inclusion of noise issues in safety management systems; suggested methods of attenuating noise; and a simplified procedure for determining noise exposure. These regulations, recommendations and advice are intended to provide Administrations with the tools to promote “hearing saving” environments on board ships.
Although legally treated as a mandatory instrument under the SOLAS Convention, certain provisions of the Code remain recommendatory or informative. The Code applies to new ships of a gross tonnage of 1,600 and above. The specific provisions relating to potentially hazardous noise levels, mitigation and personal protective gear contained in the Code may be applied to existing ships of a gross tonnage of 1,600 and above, as far as reasonable and practical, to the satisfaction of the Administration.
Código sobre niveles de ruido a bordo de los buques
More LessEl Código sobre niveles de ruido a bordo de los buques se ha elaborado con el fin de proporcionar normas internacionales para la protección contra el ruido en virtud de lo dispuesto en la regla II-1/3-12 del Convenio SOLAS. En el Código, que se adoptó mediante la resolución MSC.337(91) y que entrará en vigor el 1 de julio de 2014, se reconoce la necesidad de establecer límites obligatorios para el nivel de ruido en los espacios de máquinas, puestos de control, talleres, alojamientos y otros espacios a bordo de los buques.
El Código incluye:
- un formato para el informe sobre el estudio de ruidos;
- orientaciones sobre la inclusión de cuestiones relacionadas con el ruido en los sistemas de gestión de la seguridad;
- métodos propuestos de reducción del ruido; y
- un procedimiento simplificado para determinar la exposición al ruido.
- Estas reglas, recomendaciones e indicaciones tienen por finalidad facilitar a las Administraciones herramientas destinadas a fomentar entornos para «preservar la facultad auditiva» a bordo de los buques. Aunque el Código se considera jurídicamente como un instrumento obligatorio en virtud del Convenio SOLAS, determinadas disposiciones del mismo tienen carácter recomendatorio o informativo.
Electro-Technical Officer
More LessThis model course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A-III/6 of STCW Code for the function Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering at the Operational Level, for the function Maintenance and Repair at the Operational Level and the background knowledge to support Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board at the Operational Level.
Leadership and Teamwork
More LessThe course is designed to meet STCW requirements for the application of leadership and team-working skills, in accordance with the 2010 Manila Amendments, specifically as stated in table A-II/1, A-III/1 and A-III/6, Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the operational level. The course aims to provide the knowledge, skill and understanding of leadership and teamwork at the operational level on board ship.
Master and Chief Mate
More LessThis model course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A-ll/2 of STCW Code for the function Navigation at the Management Level, for the function Cargo Handling and Stowage at the Management Level and the background knowledge to support Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board at the Management Level.
Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch
More LessThis model course comprises three functions at the operational level. On successful completion of the training and assessment trainees should be competent to carry out safely the watchkeeping duties of an officer in charge of a navigational watch, both at sea and in port. In particular, they will be fully conversant with the basic principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch as per STCW Regulation VIII/2 and STCW Code Chapter VIII.
Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch
More LessThis model course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A-III/1 of STCW Code for the function Marine Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering, Maintenance and Repair and Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board at the Operational Level.
Recueil de règles relatives aux niveaux de bruit à bord des navires
More LessLe Recueil de règles relatives aux niveaux de bruit à bord des navires a pour objet de fournir des normes internationales pour la protection contre le bruit réglementée par la règle II-1/3-12 de la Convention SOLAS, telle que modifiée. Le Recueil, qui entre en vigueur le 1er juillet 2014, a été adopté par la résolution MSC.337(91), dans laquelle il a été reconnu qu’il était nécessaire d’établir des niveaux limites de bruit obligatoires dans les locaux de machines, les postes de sécurité, les ateliers, les locaux d’habitation et autres locaux à bord des navires.
Le Recueil comprend :
- un modèle de rapport sur la mesure du bruit;
- des directives sur l’inclusion des problèmes de bruit dans les systèmes de gestion de la sécurité;
- des méthodes suggérées pour atténuer le bruit; et
- une méthode simplifiée pour déterminer l’exposition au bruit.
Les présentes règles, recommandations et conseils sont censés fournir aux Administrations les outils nécessaires pour promouvoir des environnements «préservant l’acuité auditive» à bord des navires. Bien que le présent Recueil soit juridiquement considéré comme étant un instrument obligatoire en vertu de la Convention SOLAS, certaines de ses dispositions conservent une valeur de recommandation ou d’information.
Safety Investigation into Marine Casualties and Marine Incidents
More LessThe course is essentially balanced between theory (lecture material), practical group exercises and case studies. It consists of a series of exercises structured around the requirements of the international legislation, IMO conventions and instruments, and the required common and homogeneous approach, application of consistent methodology and no blame culture to adopt in the conduct of Maritime safety investigations into marine casualties and marine incidents; as well as to provide reports to the Organization.
2010 Código PEF
More LessEl Código PEF 2010, junto con las enmiendas pertinentes del Convenio SOLAS, entró en vigor el 1 de julio de 2012. Incluye prescripciones internacionales para los laboratorios de ensayo y la homologación y procedimientos de ensayo de exposición al fuego para productos enumerados en el capítulo II-2 del Convenio SOLAS. Revisa y actualiza la edición de 1966 del Código PEF exhaustivamente.
El Código incluye:
- ensayos de incombustibilidad
- ensayos de producción de humo y toxicidad
- ensayos para divisiones de clase «A», «B» y «F»
- ensayos de los sistemas de control de las puertas contraincendios
- ensayos de infl amabilidad de las superfi cies
- ensayos de textiles y películas colocados verticalmente
- ensayos de mobiliario tapizado
- ensayos de artículos de cama
- ensayos de materiales pirorrestrictivos para naves de gran velocidad, y
- ensayos de las divisiones pirorresistentes de las naves de gran velocidad
También contiene anexos sobre productos que se pueden instalar sin ser objeto de ensayo o aprobación y sobre materiales de protección contra incendios y métodos de ensayo prescritos para su aprobación.
2010 FTP Code
More LessThe International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures, (2010 FTP Code) was developed with the aim to enhance user friendliness, ensure more uniform application of the requirements on fire testing and generalize the experience gained so far from the application of resolution MSC.61(67). Bearing in mind the intent of developers to formulate the requirements for fire test procedures in a form which would be as close to general industry’s procedures as possible, one of the aims of the Code was to update references to all ISO applicable standards. The present Code contains requirements for the testing process itself: testing laboratories, format of test reports, and provides procedures of type and case-by-case approval of materials, components and structures intended for maritime applications. Taking due account of alternative designs and arrangements which have been made possible by virtue of SOLAS regulation II-2/17, adopted by resolution MSC.99(73) in 2000, the Code also provides for the possibility of conducting alternative tests on a proviso that the level of safety of the tested materials, components and structures set by the Convention is not compromised and corresponds to at least that contained in its prescriptive requirements.