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Basic documents
Book series
This series contains the constituent instruments and agreements related to the privileges and immunities of IMO its training institutions and regional centre; the rules of procedure of its governing bodies (Assembly and Council) and committees; and key documents governing IMO’s relationship with intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental international organizations with consultative status. Basic Documents also includes the rul Read More
Book series
This series gathers mandatory and non-mandatory codes adopted by IMO related to a variety of subjects such as dangerous goods fire safety search and rescue collisions life-saving appliances chemicals high-speed crafts and many others.
Book series
This series compiles the international conventions adopted under the auspices of IMO or with respect to which the Organization performs depositary and other functions. A number of these conventions relate to maritime safety and security the prevention of marine pollution and liability and compensation matters especially in relation to vessel-sourced pollution.
Book series
This series contains guidelines recommendations and other voluntary instruments that have been adopted supplementary to mandatory instruments to assist Member States in the effective implementation of IMO treaties.
Model course
Book series
This series contains model courses developed by IMO which are intended to assist Member States and other stakeholders in developing detailed training programmes for better implementation of IMO instruments.
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