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How to buy - Subscription

Annual digital subscription 

IMO ePublications platform offers an annual subscription option, providing access to a comprehensive list of IMO publications to ensure maritime professionals and organizations stay informed and updated with international maritime regulations. 


Key benefits of the annual subscription to all IMO content

Official source for all IMO Publishing titles Rest assured you are reading genuine content as published by the International Maritime Organization.

Unlimited access Consult all IMO publications in all the languages as published for twelve months. 

Continuous updates Enjoy uninterrupted access to crucial maritime information, including instant availability of new editions and errata, at no additional cost. 

Cost-effective One-time annual payment will save time and administrative costs and provide seamless access to 600+ titles. 

Global access Retrieve and read content anywhere on a computer or via mobile device using the e-reader tool.

Offline capability Access information offline in areas with limited internet connectivity.

Facilitation of inspections for shipboard use Peace of mind through the certificate including the IMO number of the vessel displaying all the publications as purchased.

Start your subscription today!

How to buy a digital subscription on IMO ePublications

Account setup Create an account or log in to your existing one on the IMO ePublications platform.

Add to your basket Click the "All IMO content” option from "how to buy" subscription page or choose this option on any of the individual title pages.

Checkout Review your basket to ensure the details are correct and proceed to checkout.

Complete your purchase Enter your credit card payment information and finalize the transaction. 

Enjoy seamless access to essential maritime information with our all-inclusive digital subscription.

Important note

Titles on the platform are accessible through an e-reader tool, which includes limited functionality for printing. For more information, please read our terms of use and FAQs.

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