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GMDSS Manual
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Manual
The GMDSS Manual provides in a single comprehensive publication an explanation of the principles upon which the GMDSS is based including the radiocommunication requirements and recommendations for its implementation the operational performance standards and technical specifications to be met by GMDSS equipment and the procedures for and method of operation of the various radio services that form the GMDSS and the Master Plan for the GMDSS.
The 2024 edition contains the latest information emanating from the IMO project on the modernization of the GMDSS which was completed in 2022 and led to the overall revision of relevant SOLAS regulations and many other mandatory and non-mandatory IMO instruments related to the GMDSS. This edition also includes:
- An introduction to the GMDSS including a description of the GMDSS concept;
- A description of the components of the GMDSS carriage requirements and operational procedures;
- Detailed information regarding terrestrial and satellite-based radiocommunication systems used in the GMDSS;
- Information concerning ongoing work at IMO related to future radiocommunication systems and services;
- Information on promulgation of Maritime safety information and Search and rescue related information including NAVTEX and enhanced group call services;
- Excerpts from the relevant SOLAS regulations for the GMDSS;
- Supporting IMO resolutions relevant to the GMDSS;
- The current GMDSS Master Plan giving the details of the coastal infrastructure and services provided by Member States; and
- Extracts from the ITU-R Radio Regulations giving the radio regulatory background.
The Manual is intended for use by ship personnel shore operators trainers administrations regulators and anyone concerned with ship radiocommunications.
Guide pour la sûreté maritime et Code ISPS
Le présent Guide a été élaboré dans le but de regrouper les textes existants de l’Organisation maritime internationale (OMI) relatifs à la sûreté maritime dans un vade-mecum facile à consulter du chapitre XI-2 de la Convention internationale de 1974 pour la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer (Convention SOLAS) et du Code international pour la sûreté des navires et des installations portuaires (Code ISPS) en vue d’aider les États à promouvoir la sûreté maritime en mettant en place le cadre juridique les pratiques et les procédures administratives connexes ainsi que les ressources matérielles techniques et humaines nécessaires.
Il a pour double objectif d’aider les Gouvernements contractants à la Convention SOLAS à mettre en œuvre et à faire appliquer les dispositions du chapitre XI-2 de la Convention SOLAS et du Code ISPS et à en vérifier le respect et de servir d’aide et de référence à ceux qui exécutent des activités de renforcement des capacités dans le domaine de la sûreté maritime.
Dans cette deuxième édition les recommandations approuvées par le Comité de la sécurité maritime (MSC) sur l’élaboration d’une législation en matière de sûreté maritime ainsi que sur la gestion des cyber-risques maritimes ont été incorporées et des références renvoyant à des renseignements complémentaires ont été révisées et mises à jour afin d’appuyer la mise en œuvre du Code ISPS.
Guía sobre protección marítima y Código PBIP
La presente publicación tiene por objeto refundir el material de la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) existente relacionado con la protección marítima en una guía que facilita la lectura del capítulo XI-2 del Convenio internacional para la seguridad de la vida humana en el mar 1974 (Convenio SOLAS) y el Código internacional para la protección de los buques y de las instalaciones portuarias (Código PBIP) a fin de ayudar a los Estados a promover la protección marítima mediante la elaboración del marco jurídico requerido prácticas y procedimientos así como los recursos humanos y técnicos necesarios.
La Guía está destinada a asistir a los Gobiernos Contratantes del Convenio SOLAS en la implantación verificación cumplimiento y aplicación de las disposiciones del capítulo XI-2 del Convenio SOLAS y del Código PBIP. También debería servir de ayuda y referencia para las personas encargadas de llevar a cabo actividades de creación de capacidad en el ámbito de la protección marítima.
En esta segunda edición de la Guía se han incorporado orientaciones aprobadas por el Comité de seguridad marítima (MSC) respecto de la elaboración de legislación marítima así como de la gestión de los riesgos cibernéticos marítimos y se incluyen referencias actualizadas a información adicional para respaldar la implantación del Código PBIP.
Guide to Maritime Security and the ISPS Code
This Guide has been developed to consolidate existing IMO maritime security-related material into an easily read companion guide to SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code in order to assist States in promoting maritime security through development in the requisite legal framework associated administrative practices procedures and technical and human resources.
It is intended both to assist SOLAS Contracting Governments in the implementation verification compliance with and enforcement of the provisions of SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code. It should also serve as an aid and reference for those engaged in delivering capacity-building activities in the field of maritime security.
This second edition of the Guide incorporates guidance approved by the Maritime Safety Committee on the development of maritime security legislation as well as maritime cyber risk management and includes updated sources for further information to support the implementation of the ISPS Code.
Guide on the Implementation of the OPRC Convention and OPRC-HNS Protocol
The Guide to the Implementation of the OPRC Convention and OPRC-HNS Protocol provides a step-wise approach for the planning preparedness and implementation process at national and regional levels; and identifies existing publications and available support mechanisms to assist.
Guidelines on Fatigue
Fatigue is a hazard because it may affect a seafarer’s ability to do their job effectively and safely. Importantly fatigue affects everyone regardless of skill knowledge and training. These guidelines were developed to inform each party that has a direct involvement in ship safety (seafarers Administrations ship designers companies training providers etc.) of the nature of fatigue its causes preventive measures and countermeasures.
Approved by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) the guidelines in this publication are composed of self-contained modules addressing the issue of fatigue from different angles: the company the seafarer awareness and training ship design and the Administration and port State authorities. It also includes examples of sleep and fatigue monitoring tools and of fatigue event report information.
Guidelines for the Implementation of MARPOL: Annex V
The publication contains:
- 2017 Guidelines for the implementation of MARPOL Annex V (resolution MEPC.295(71))
- 2012 Guidelines for the development of garbage management plans (resolution MEPC.220(63))
- Consolidated MARPOL Annex V including amendments adopted by MEPC.277(70))
Guide on Oil Spill Response in Ice and Snow Conditions
This Guide aims to identify and describe the key considerations directly associated with a response to a marine oil spill in ice and snow conditions anywhere in the world. By addressing elements of planning and preparedness for marine and coastal oil spills in addition to the fate and behaviour of oil spills in ice and snow as well as potential response strategies and options this guide aims to assist incident managers and decision makers in safely implementing an effective response.
Gestion des eaux de ballast
La présente publication fournit des informations pratiques utiles aux gouvernements en particulier ceux des pays en développement aux Administrations aux propriétaires de navires aux autorités chargées du contrôle par l’État du port aux agences de protection de l’environnement et autres parties prenantes sur les implications de la ratification de la mise en œuvre et du contrôle du respect de la Convention sur la gestion des eaux de ballast.
Son objectif est d’encourager les gouvernements à ratifier la Convention et à la mettre en œuvre et la faire respecter comme il convient. Il est à noter toutefois qu’à des fins juridiques il faudrait systématiquement se reporter au texte de la Convention faisant foi.
Gestión del agua de lastre
La presente publicación proporciona información práctica a los Gobiernos en particular a los de los países en desarrollo las Administraciones los propietarios de buques las autoridades de supervisión por el Estado rector del puerto los organismos medioambientales y demás partes interesadas sobre las repercusiones de la ratificación la implantación y el cumplimiento del Convenio sobre la gestión del agua de lastre.
Su objetivo es fomentar nuevas ratificaciones y la implantación y el cumplimiento adecuados del Convenio. Sin embargo conviene señalar que a efectos jurídicos debería consultarse siempre el texto auténtico del Convenio.
Guidelines on International Offers of Assistance in Response to a Marine Oil Pollution Incident
This publication provides Guidelines on international offers of assistance (IOA) in response to a marine Oil pollution incident and is designed for use by any country particularly parties to the International Convention on Oil pollution Preparedness Response and Co-operation 1990 (OPRC 1990) as a tool to assist in managing requests for spill response resources and offers of assistance from other countries and organizations when confronted with large complex or significant oil spill incidents.
Although developed by a technical group of the IMO these guidelines could be used during large complex or significant oil spills within inland areas as well as marine or coastal environments. While these guidelines can play an important role in the implementation of the OPRC 1990 Convention they are not prescriptive or legally binding and are meant as a tool to assist as needed.
Guidelines on Low Cost, Low Technology Assessment of Dredged Material
This document provides guidance on the application of the waste assessment guidelines (WAG) using low technology and low cost methods. For example it contains details on low cost sampling testing information gathering and documenting consistent with the WAG to allow characterization of the Dredged material and selection of suitable disposal sites including guidance on simple and low cost monitoring of disposal activities and feedback surveys to improve decision making.
General Operator’s Certificate for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
This course covers the training recommendations in annex 3 to the IMO Assembly resolution A.703(17) - Recommendation on Training of Radio Operators related to the General Operator’s Certificate (GOC). The course is revised to meet the relevant regulations of the STCW Code and the 2012 Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union.
Guideline for Oil Spill Response in Fast Currents
The aim of this Guideline is to provide essential information and a practical aid to oil spill response personnel for the development of response strategies and for the implementation of oil spill containment and clean-up measures in a fast water environment. It is intended for personnel who already have an understanding of the basics of oil containment and recovery using conventional spill response equipment such as booms and skimmers and provide information on the particular considerations and strategies that are required for pollution response in fast currents.
Guía para la respuesta a derrames de hidrocarburos en corrientes rápidas
La presente publicación tiene por objeto proporcionar información esencial y una ayuda práctica para el personal de respuesta en caso de derrame de hidrocarburos a fin de poder elaborar estrategias de respuesta y poner en práctica medidas de contención y de limpieza del derrame de hidrocarburos en entornos de corrientes rápidas.
Está dirigida al personal que ya tiene un conocimiento de los aspectos básicos de la contención y recuperación de hidrocarburos utilizando equipo convencional de respuesta en caso de derrame como las barreras flotantes y las raseras y proporciona información sobre las estrategias necesarias para la respuesta en caso de contaminación en corrientes rápidas.
Goal-Based Ship Construction Standards for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers and Related Guidelines
This publication presents:
- International goal-based ship construction standards for Bulk carriers and Oil tankers (resolution MSC.287(87))
- Associated SOLAS amendments (MSC.290(87)) making the Standards mandatory
- Guidelines for the verification of conformity with goal-based construction standards for Bulk carriers and Oil tankers (MSC.296(87))
- Guidelines for the information to be included in a Ship Construction File (MSC.1/Circ.1343)
- Generic Guidelines for developing IMO goal-based standards (MSC.1/Circ.1394)
Guidance Document on the Implementation of an Incident Management System (IMS)
This publication prepared by the OPRC-HNS Technical Group and approved by IMO’s Marine environmental Protection Committee provides guidance on the establishment of an incident management system (IMS) for marine pollution incidents.
Guide to Ship Sanitation
The primary aim of the revised Guide to Ship Sanitation published by WHO is to present the public health significance of ships in terms of disease and to highlight the importance of applying appropriate control measures. This guide in e-reader format only is intended to be used as a basis for the development of national approaches to controlling the hazards that may be encountered on ships as well as providing a framework for policy-making and local decision-making.
Guidelines for the Development of Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plans
These Guidelines contain information for the preparation of shipboard marine emergency plans.
The main objectives of these Guidelines are:
- to assist shipowners in preparing shipboard marine emergency plans in conformity with the cited regulations
- to assist Governments in developing and enacting domestic laws which give force to and implement the cited regulations
In the interest of uniformity Governments are requested to refer to these Guidelines when preparing appropriate national regulations.
Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Offshore Supply Vessels 2006
The Guidelines for the design and construction of offshore supply vessels were adopted by the Assembly of the Organization in 1981 by resolution A.469(XII).
These Guidelines included guidance on intact stability that was later incorporated into the Code on Intact Stability for all types of ships covered by IMO instruments. To take account of the adoption of this Code and amendments to the SOLAS Convention that have entered into force after 1981 new Guidelines for the design and construction of offshore supply vessels were adopted in 2006. These new Guidelines also include a form of Document of Compliance for Offshore supply vessels.