Browse Books
A complete detailed listing of all publications currently offered by IMO Publishing. Titles are also grouped alphabetically, by topic, publication date and language.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Tanker Cargo and Ballast Handling Simulator
Model course 1.35
This course aims to meet the mandatory standards of competence in advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations particularly for LPG tanker cargo and ballast operations using approved simulator training. Tailored to the trainees’ needs and experience levels the course is a key resource to aid trainees in mastering essential procedures and equipment in compliance with international standards.
LC/LP Selection Guidance
The objective of this publication is to provide detailed step-by-step guidelines on the selection of dump-sites for the dumping of wastes and other matter at sea and on development of site management and monitoring plans to help manage dump-sites during and after use. These guidelines specifically address the wastes and other matter that may be considered for dumping at sea listed in annex 1 of the London Protocol.
Life-saving Appliances Including LSA Code
This publication contains the three most important IMO instruments dealing with life-saving appliances as updated namely:
- the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code (resolution MSC.48(66));
- the Revised recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances (resolution MSC.81(70)); and
- the Code of Practice for the Evaluation Testing and Acceptance of Prototype Novel Life-saving appliances and Arrangements (resolution A.520(13)).
Load Lines Convention 1966
The International Convention on Load Lines 1966 adopted by the International Conference on Load Lines on 5 April 1966 entered into force on 21 July 1968 and has been modified by the 1988 Protocol relating thereto and amended by Assembly and Maritime Safety Committee resolutions over the past 50 years.
This 2021 edition includes up-to-date consolidated text in line with amendments adopted up to 1 July 2021 as well as updated unified interpretations that have been keyed to relevant articles and regulations.
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Tanker Cargo and Ballast Handling Simulator
Model Course 1.36
This is a practical course for Officers and ratings who are to serve on board liquefied natural gas tankers and are required by STCW Convention regulation V/1-2 to have appropriate operational experience on board liquefied natural gas tankers or to have completed approved shore-based specialized training related to gas tanker operations. The course consists of a series of exercises structured around the operation of the cargo and ballast systems of an LNG tanker and carried out using an approved simulator.
Low Cost, Low Technology Compliance Monitoring
The objective of this publication is to provide practical information about using low cost and low technology approaches that are useful for monitoring compliance with permit conditions associated with ocean disposal of waste materials or other matter. The primary audiences for this guidance are countries that are in the early stages of developing waste assessment and monitoring actions in concert with permit programmes for disposal of wastes and other matter into marine waters.
Low Cost, Low Technology Field Monitoring
The objective of this publication is to provide practical information about using low cost and low technology tools that are useful for monitoring of possible environmental impacts associated with disposal at sea of either Dredged material or inert inorganic geological materials.
The primary audiences for this guidance are countries that are in the early stages of developing waste assessment and monitoring actions in concert with permit programmes for disposal of wastes and other matter at sea.
London Convention and London Protocol
This publication contains the full text of the Convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matter at sea 1972 (London Convention) and the 1996 Protocol (London Protocol) as amended. The following related resources are also included:
- A list of resolutions adopted under the two treaties
- Prospective amendments to the London Protocol that are pending entry into force
- Terms of reference for the subsidiary bodies under the London Convention and Protocol
Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims
Amendments to increase the limits of liability in the 1996 Protocol to amend the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime claims 1976 (LLMC Protocol 1996) entered into force on 8 June 2015 raising the amount claimable for loss of life or personal injury on ships (not exceeding 2000 gross tonnage) to 3.02 million Special Drawing Rights (SDR) up from 2 million SDR (additional amounts are claimable on larger ships).
The 1976 LLMC Convention sets specified limits of liability for certain types of claims against shipowners: Claims for loss of life or personal injury; and Other claims such as property claims (including damage to other ships property or harbour works) delay bunker spills wreck removal pollution damage etc. The Convention also allows for shipowners and salvors to limit their liability except if ‘it is proved that the loss resulted from his personal act or omission committed with the intent to cause such loss or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss would probably result.
Limitación de la responsabilidad por reclamaciones de derecho marítimo
La presente publicación contiene los siguientes textos:
- Convenio sobre limitación de la responsabilidad nacida de reclamaciones de derecho marítimo 1976
- Protocolo de 1996 enmendado mediante la resolución LEG.5(99)
- Texto refundido de las disposiciones sustantivas del Convenio de 1976 enmendadas por el Protocolo de 1996 incluidos los límites enmendados de responsabilidad
Limitation de la responsabilité en matière de créances maritimes
La présente publication contient les textes suivants :
- Convention de 1976 sur la limitation de la responsabilité en matière de créances maritimes (Convention LLMC de 1976)
- Protocole de 1996 tel que modifié par la résolution LEG.5(99)
- Texte récapitulatif des dispositions de fond de la Convention LLMC de 1976 telle que modifiée par le Protocole de 1996 y compris les amendements aux montants de limitation de la responsabilité
The London Protocol
What it is and how to implement it
This manual provides useful practical information to Governments particularly those of developing countries on the technical economic and legal implications of ratifying implementing and enforcing the London Protocol.
Leadership and Teamwork
Model Course 1.39
The course is designed to meet STCW requirements for the application of leadership and team-working skills in accordance with the 2010 Manila Amendments specifically as stated in table A-II/1 A-III/1 and A-III/6 Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the operational level. The course aims to provide the knowledge skill and understanding of leadership and teamwork at the operational level on board ship.
London Convention and Protocol
[Guidance for the development of action lists and action levels for Dredged material, Orientations relatives à la mise au point de listes d’intervention et de niveaux d’intervention applicables aux déblais de dragage, Orientaciones sobre la elaboración de listas de criterios de actuación y niveles de actuación con respecto a los materiales de dragado]
The guidance assists regulators and policy makers on the selection of Action Lists and the development of Action Levels for Dredged material proposed for disposal at sea. An Action List is a set of chemicals of concern biological responses of concern or other characteristics that can be used for screening Dredged material for their potential effects on human health and on the Marine environment. Action Levels establish thresholds that provide decision points that determine whether sediments can or cannot be disposed of at sea.
This publication includes texts in English French and Spanish.
Les SMCP de l'OMI
Les communications ayant trait à la navigation et à la sécurité entre le navire et la terre et inversement entre les navires et à bord des navires doivent être précises simples et sans ambiguïté de façon à éviter les confusions et les erreurs; il est nécessaire de normaliser la langue utilisée.
En vertu de la Convention internationale de 1978 sur les normes de formation des gens de mer de délivrance des brevets et de veille telle que modifiée en 1995 l'aptitude à utiliser et comprendre les SMCP de l'OMI fait partie des compétences requises pour la délivrance du brevet d'officier chargé du quart à la passerelle à bord des navires d'une jauge brute égale ou supérieure à 500.