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A complete detailed listing of all publications currently offered by IMO Publishing. Titles are also grouped alphabetically, by topic, publication date and language.
Operational use of integrated bridge systems including integrated navigation systems
This course provides training in the operational use of integrated bridge systems (IBS) and integrated navigational systems (INS). Designed for officers in charge of a navigational watch the course enhances safety and environmental protection by instructing on the correct use of these systems and highlighting potential risks from improper use. Flexible in design it can be adapted to trainees’ experience levels ensuring comprehensive understanding. This course is a key resource for improving navigation safety standards and ensuring compliance with international maritime regulations.
OMI 2020
En octubre de 2008 el Comité de protección del medio marino de la Organización Marítima Internacional adoptó revisiones de las reglas internacionales para prevenir la contaminación atmosférica ocasionada por los buques (Anexo VI del Convenio MARPOL). Las reglas revisadas incluían la prescripción de que a partir del 1 de enero de 2020 el contenido de azufre del fueloil utilizado por los buques que operasen fuera de las zonas de control de las emisiones designadas no rebasaría el 050 % en masa; esta prescripción recibe la denominación de «OMI 2020». La reducción de las emisiones de óxidos de azufre se traducirá en beneficios significativos para la salud humana y el medio ambiente en todo el mundo.
La prescripción «OMI 2020» tendrá efectos importantes en todo el mundo. A fin de contribuir a que el sector del transporte marítimo internacional la implante con éxito esta publicación reúne en un solo documento todos los instrumentos y orientaciones elaborados incluidas las resoluciones y circulares de la OMI a fin de facilitar las referencias.
OMI 2020
Application uniforme de l'Annexe VI de MARPOL
En octobre 2008 le Comité de la protection du milieu marin (MEPC) de l’Organisation maritime internationale (OMI) a adopté des modifications apportées aux règles internationales relatives à la prévention de la pollution de l’atmosphère par les navires (Annexe VI de MARPOL). Dans la version révisée des règles il est exigé qu’à compter du 1er janvier 2020 la teneur en soufre du fuel-oil utilisé par les navires exploités en dehors des zones de contrôle des émissions désignées ne dépasse pas 050 % en masse; ces modifications sont connues sous le nom d’Initiative de l’OMI «Horizon 2020». La réduction des émissions d’oxydes de soufre améliorera considérablement la santé humaine et l’environnement au niveau mondial.
L’Initiative de l’OMI «Horizon 2020» aura un retentissement majeur à l’échelle mondiale. Afin que le secteur maritime international puisse mettre en œuvre avec succès cette initiative la présente publication rassemble en un seul document l’ensemble des instruments et recommandations élaborés y compris les résolutions et circulaires de l’OMI afin qu’il soit facile de s’y reporter.
Orientaciones revisadas sobre la implantación nacional del Protocolo de Londres
La presente publicación tiene un carácter únicamente orientativo y su objetivo es ayudar a las administraciones nacionales en la implantación del Protocolo de Londres tanto si son actualmente Partes Contratantes o si simplemente están interesadas en adherirse al Protocolo. No debe entenderse que estas orientaciones presentan unas interpretaciones definitivas del Protocolo o de cómo deberían aplicarse sus disposiciones. Las Partes Contratantes siguen siendo quienes han de interpretar las obligaciones que han asumido en virtud del Protocolo.
OSV Chemical Code
The Code for the Transport and Handling of Hazardous and Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk on Offshore Support Vessels (OSV Chemical Code) has been developed for the design construction and operation of offshore support vessels (OSVs) which transport hazardous and noxious liquid substances in bulk for the servicing and resupplying of offshore platforms Mobile offshore drilling units and other offshore installations including those employed in the search for and recovery of hydrocarbons from the seabed.
The basic philosophy of the present Code is to apply standards contained in the Code and the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) and in the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) to the extent that is practicable and reasonable taking into account the unique design features and service characteristics of OSVs.
Onboard Assessment
This course is primarily intended for any person conducting in-service assessment of competence of a seafarer on board. These would usually comprise senior shipboard officers (management level) but may also be suitable for shipboard personnel at operational level or experienced shore-based instructors with sufficient onboard expertise.
Operational Guidelines on Sunken and Submerged Oil Assessment and Removal Techniques
The aim of the Guidelines is to provide practical guidance for assessing and responding to incidents involving sunken oil. Their scope is confined to sunken and submerged oil and does not include oil on sunken wrecks. The Guidelines also include references to other information sources.
Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch
Model course 7.03
This model course comprises three functions at the operational level. On successful completion of the training and assessment trainees should be competent to carry out safely the watchkeeping duties of an officer in charge of a navigational watch both at sea and in port. In particular they will be fully conversant with the basic principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch as per STCW Regulation VIII/2 and STCW Code Chapter VIII.
Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch
This model course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge understanding and proficiency in Table A-III/1 of STCW Code for the function Marine Engineering Electrical Electronic and Control Engineering Maintenance and Repair and Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board at the Operational Level.
Orientations de 2012 pour l’établissement de listes d’intervention et de niveaux d’intervention pour les déchets de poisson
La présente publication contient des orientations à l’intention des autorités chargées de la réglementation et des responsables de l’élaboration de politiques au sujet de l’établissement de listes d’intervention et de la mise au point de niveaux d’intervention applicables aux déchets de poisson qu’il est envisagé d’évacuer en mer. Tout en étant destinées à aider à mettre en œuvre les prescriptions de la Convention de 1972 sur la prévention de la pollution des mers résultant de l’immersion de déchets (Convention de Londres) et de son Protocole de 1996 (Protocole de Londres) les orientations ont une portée générale et pourraient être appliquées à l’évaluation des déchets de poisson prévue par d’autres instruments.
Orientaciones de 2012 para la elaboracion de listas de criterios de actuación y niveles de actuación con respecto a los desechos de pescado
En la presente publicación se ofrecen orientaciones dirigidas a los responsables de la reglamentación y las normas con respecto a la selección de listas de criterios de actuación y la elaboración de niveles de actuación para los desechos de pescado destinados a la evacuación en el mar. Si bien tienen por objeto asistir con la aplicación de las prescripciones del Convenio sobre la prevención de la contaminación del mar por vertimiento de desechos y otras materias 1972 (Convenio de Londres) y su Protocolo de 1996 (Protocolo de Londres) las orientaciones son generales por lo que podrían aplicarse para la evaluación de desechos de pescado en virtud de otros instrumentos.
Oficial de Protección del Buque
Curso Modelo 3.19
This model course is intended to provide knowledge to those who may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a Ship Security Officer (SSO) as defined in section A/2.1.6 (and section A/12) of the ISPS Code and in section A-VI/5 of the STCW Code as amended and in particular the duties and responsibilities with respect to the security of a ship for implementing and maintaining a Ship Security Plan and for liaising with the Company Security Officer (CSO) and with Port Facility Security Officers (PFSOs).
Operational Use of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS)
This model course is intended to provide the knowledge skill and understanding of ECDIS and electronic charts to the thorough extent needed to safely navigate vessels whose primary means of navigation is ECDIS. The course emphasizes both the application and learning of ECDIS in a variety of underway contexts. The course is designed to meet the STCW requirements in the use of ECDIS as revised by the 2010 Manila Amendments.
Oficial de la Compañía para la Protección Marítima
This model course has been based on MSC/Circ.1154 “Guidelines on training and certification for Company Security Officers” and aims to provide knowledge to those who may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a Company Security Officer (CSO) as defined in paragraph 2.1.7 (and paragraph 11) of the ISPS Code Part A.
Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on a Fishing Vessel
Model Course 7.06
The course is organized under the three functions at the operating level of responsibility. Specifically this course covers the minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on Fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and over operating in unlimited waters.
Oficial Encargado de la Guardia de Navegación en Buque Pesquero
Curso modelo 7.06
The course is organized under the three functions at the operating level of responsibility. Specifically this course covers the minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on Fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and over operating in unlimited waters.
Oil Tanker Cargo and Ballast Handling Simulator
Model Course 2.06
This model course is essentially a practical one and consists of a series of exercises structured around the operation of the cargo and ballast installation of an oil tanker and carried out in conjunction with a simulator.
OPRC-HNS Protocol
Protocol on Preparedness, Response and Co-operation to Pollution Incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Substances, 2000
This publication reproduces the texts of the Final Act of the Conference including its Attachments and the Protocol on Preparedness Response and Co-operation to Pollution Incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Substances 2000.
OSV Code
Code of Safe Practice for the Carriage of Cargoes and Persons by Offshore Supply Vessels
The purpose of the Code of Safe Practice for the Carriage of Cargoes and Persons by Offshore supply vessels (OSV Code) which was adopted by resolution A.863(20) is to provide for both the operator and contractor an international standard to avoid or to reduce to a minimum the hazards which affect Offshore supply vessels in their daily operation of carrying cargoes and persons from and between offshore installations. This standard should be considered when implementing a safety-management system within the meaning of paragraph 1.4 of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code.
OPRC Convention
International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-Operation, 1990
The International Convention on Oil pollution Preparedness Response and Co-operation 1990 was adopted at a conference convened in November 1990 for the purpose of establishing precautionary measures and effective preparation for combating Oil pollution incidents involving ships offshore units sea ports and oil handling facilities. The publication includes:
- Final Act of the Conference on International Co-operation on Oil pollution Preparedness and Response 1990;
- OPRC Convention 1990;
- Resolutions 1 to 10 adopted by the Conference.