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Hong Kong Convention
The new Convention intends to address all the issues around Ship recycling including the fact that ships sold for scrapping may contain environmentally hazardous substances such as asbestos heavy metals hydrocarbons ozone-depleting substances and others.

Hull and Structural Surveys
This three-volume course covers the requirements for hull structures at initial annual intermediate periodical and renewal and additional surveys as specified in SOLAS as amended up to its 1988 Protocol and in the 1966 Load Lines Convention including its 1988 Protocol.

Horas de trabajo o descanso de la gente de mar
Developed by a joint working group of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and IMO these guidelines are designed to help Administrations shipowners and seafarers meet their obligations under ILO Convention No. 180 (Seafarers’ Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships Convention) and IMO’s STCW Convention 1978 as amended in 1995.
They provide a standardized table showing shipboard working arrangements a standard format for records of seafarer’s daily hours of work and rest and guidelines for monitoring compliance.