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De todos los convenios internacionales que tratan de la seguridad marítima el más importante es el Convenio internacional para la seguridad de la vida humana en el mar más conocido como Convenio SOLAS que abarca una gran variedad de medidas destinadas a acrecentar la seguridad de la navegación.
El Convenio es también uno de los más antiguos en su género: la primera versión se adoptó en 1914 tras el hundimiento del Titanic que costó la vida a más de 1 500 personas. Desde entonces ha habido cuatro versiones más. La presente versión se adoptó en 1974 y entró en vigor en 1980. En esta edición se conmemora el 50º aniversario de la adopción del Convenio SOLAS 1974 un instrumento internacional prominente para la seguridad marítima.
A fin de facilitar la consulta de todas las prescripciones del Convenio SOLAS aplicables a partir del 1 de julio de 2024 esta edición contiene el texto refundido del Convenio su Protocolo de 1988 y todas las enmiendas en vigor en esa fecha. Asimismo la presente edición contiene las interpretaciones unificadas de las reglas del Convenio SOLAS que fueron adoptadas por el Comité de Seguridad Marítima.
Survey of Machinery Installations and Compendium
This two-volume course covers the requirements of initial annual intermediate and periodical and renewal surveys as specified in SOLAS. It does not cover preliminary design or plan approvals nor does it cover the survey or inspection of chemical tankers Gas carriers special purpose ships or mobile offshore units.
Of all the international conventions dealing with maritime safety the most important is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea better known as SOLAS which covers a wide range of measures designed to improve the safety of shipping.
The Convention is also one of the oldest of its kind: the first version was adopted in 1914 following the sinking of the Titanic with the loss of more than 1500 lives. Since then there have been four more versions of SOLAS. The present version was adopted in 1974 and entered into force in 1980. This publication commemorates the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the 1974 SOLAS Convention a prominent international instrument for maritime safety.
This edition of the publication presents a consolidated text of the Convention its Protocol of 1988 and all amendments that have entered into force on or before 1 July 2024. Additionally this edition includes the unified interpretations of SOLAS regulations approved by the Maritime Safety Committee.
SPS Code and IP Code
Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, 2008 and International Code of Safety for Ships Carrying Industrial Personnel
This publication includes the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships 2008 (2008 SPS Code) the new International Code of Safety for Ships Carrying Industrial Personnel (IP Code) and SOLAS chapter XV on safety measures for ships carrying industrial personnel.
The 2008 SPS Code sets safety standards for special purpose ships carrying ‘special personnel’ such as scientists and technicians involved in specific onboard activities. The IP Code which came into force on 1 July 2024 extends these safety principles to ships transporting ‘industrial personnel’. This new code addresses the safety requirements for the offshore and energy sectors ensuring safer transport and transfer of personnel involved in offshore industrial activities.
SAR Administration (IAMSAR Manual, Volume I)
Model course 3.13
This course is intended to provide an introduction to the administration and management of a maritime Search and rescue (SAR) service to assist States in meeting their own SAR needs and the obligations they accepted under the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue 1979 and its amendments together with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974 and its amendments.
SAR On-Scene Coordinator (IAMSAR Manual Volume III)
This model course aims to provide knowledge to those who may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a Search and rescue On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) for a Search and rescue incident as defined in the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and rescue Manual (IAMSAR) Volume III.
Security Awareness Training for All Port Facility Personnel
This model course is intended to provide the knowledge required to enable personnel without designated security duties in connection with a Port Facility Security Plan (PFSP) to enhance security in accordance with the requirements of Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 as amended the ISPS Code the IMDG Code the IMO/ILO Code of Practice on Security in Ports and guidance contained in IMO MSC.1/Circ.1341. Successful trainees should contribute to the enhancement of maritime security through heightened awareness and the ability to recognize security threats and respond appropriately.
Security Awareness Training for All Seafarers
This model course is intended to provide the knowledge required to enable personnel without designated security duties in connection with a Ship Security Plan (SSP) to enhance ship security in accordance with the requirements of chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 as amended the ISPS Code and section A-VI/6-1 of the STCW Code as amended.
Those who successfully complete this course should achieve the required standard of competence enabling them to contribute to the enhancement of maritime security through heightened awareness and the ability to recognize security threats and to respond appropriately.
Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties
Model course 3.26
This model course is intended to provide the knowledge required for seafarers with designated security duties in connection with a Ship Security Plan (SSP) to perform their duties in accordance with the requirements of chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 as amended the ISPS Code and section A-VI/6 of the STCW Code as amended.
SAR Mission Coordinator (IAMSAR Manual, Volume II)
Model course 3.14
This course provides specific training for those who may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a Search and rescue mission coordinator (SMC) at a maritime or joint rescue coordination centre or sub-centre for a Search and rescue (SAR) incident and is based on the content of the 2019 edition of IAMSAR Manual Volume II. The course highlights SMC-relevant issues for the organization of a maritime SAR service in general and assists States in meeting their own SAR needs and the obligations they accepted under the International Convention on Maritime Search and rescue 1979 as amended together with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974 as amended.
This model course is one of a set of three based on the three volumes of the IAMSAR Manual: Model Course 3.13 SAR Administration is intended for government administration and management as discussed in IAMSAR Manual Volume I; and Model Course 3.15 SAR On-scene Coordinator is intended for mobile SAR response facilities as discussed in IAMSAR Manual Volume III. Together the three model courses for the three volumes of the IAMSAR Manual provide a full view of the global and national SAR system.
Orientaciones paso a paso sobre enfoques sencillos para crear y utilizar listas y niveles de actuación con respecto a los materiales de dragado
This publication is intended as a starting place for countries without action lists and/or action levels so that they can minimize the environmental impacts of dumping at sea enabling them to make sound permit decisions and be in compliance with the requirements of the London Protocol and Convention.
The texts of this title are in English French and Spanish
Ships’ Routeing
Both the safety of shipping and the cleanliness of oceans are promoted in many ways one of which is the continuing development of routeing measures to control the navigation of vessels and to monitor their progress.
The measures that are described or defined in parts A and H of this publication are individually described in parts B (traffic separation schemes and inshore traffic zones) C (deepwater routes) D (areas to be avoided) E (other routeing measures such as recommended tracks two-way routes and recommended directions of traffic flow) F (the rules and recommendations on navigation that are associated with particular traffic areas and straits) G (mandatory ship reporting systems mandatory routeing systems and mandatory no anchoring areas) and H (archipelagic sea lanes).
This edition incorporates routeing measures that have been adopted before July 2019.
Safe Handling and Transport of Solid Bulk Cargoes
Model Course 1.45
The course is intended for seafarers on board ships carrying solid bulk cargoes and personnel involved in the transport chain of solid bulk cargoes such as officials of the competent authorities port authorities port terminals mine operators shippers technicians and shipping company’s representatives as well as all personnel involved in the assessment of acceptability of consignments of solid bulk cargoes according to the IMSBC Code.
Security Awareness Training for Port Facility Personnel with Designated Security Duties
Model course 3.24
This model course is intended to provide the knowledge required for port facility personnel with designated security duties such as guards access control officers training officers and relevant port facility managers in connection with a Port Facility Security Plan (PFSP) to perform their duties in accordance with the requirements of SOLAS chapter XI-2 the ISPS Code the IMDG Code the IMO/ILO Code of Practice on Security in Ports and guidance contained in IMO MSC.1/Circ.1341 on Guidelines on Security-related training and familiarization for port facility personnel.
El objetivo del Convenio internacional sobre normas de formación titulación y guardia para la gente de mar 1978 (Convenio de formación) es acrecentar la seguridad de la vida humana y de los bienes en el mar y la protección del medio marino estableciendo normas internacionales de formación titulación y guardia para la gente del mar.
La presente publicación recoge el Acta final de la Conferencia de 2010 de las Partes en el Convenio de formación de 1978 las resoluciones adoptadas por esa conferencia y el texto completo y refundido del Convenio de formación los artículos originales el Anexo revisado y el Código de formación. En ella también se incluyen las enmiendas al Convenio y al Código adoptadas en 2014 2015 y 2016.
La Convention internationale de 1978 sur les normes de formation des gens de mer de délivrance des brevets et de veille (Convention STCW) vise à promouvoir la sauvegarde de la vie humaine et des biens en mer et la protection du milieu marin en élaborant des normes internationales sur la formation des gens de mer de délivrance des brevets et de veille.
La présente publication contient l’Acte final de la Conférence de 2010 des Parties à la Convention STCW de 1978 les résolutions adoptées par la Conférence et un texte récapitulatif complet de la Convention STCW comprenant les articles d’origine l’Annexe révisée et le Code STCW y relatif auquel renvoie l’Annexe révisée. Elle contient également les amendements à la Convention et au Code adoptés en 2014 2015 et 2016.
Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Service to Passengers in Passenger Spaces
This model course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for the training of personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces on board Passenger ships specified in regulation V/2 and section A-V/2 of the STCW Code. On successful completion trainees should be able to communicate with passengers during an emergency demonstrate personal Life-saving appliances and embark and disembark passengers in particular caring for those needing special assistance.
STCW Convention and STCW Code
The International Convention on Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978 (STCW Convention) aims to promote safety of life and property at sea and the protection of the Marine environment by establishing international standards of training certification and watchkeeping for seafarers.
This publication contains the Final Act of the 2010 Conference of Parties to the 1978 STCW Convention resolutions adopted by that Conference and a complete consolidated text of the STCW Convention its original articles revised annex and supporting STCW Code. This publication also includes the amendments to the Convention and the Code adopted in 2014 2015 and 2016.
STCW اتفاقية
STCW اتفاقية ومدونة
الاتفاقية الدولية لمعايير التدريب والإجازة والخفارة للملاحين لعام 1978 (اتفاقية STCW إلى تعزيز سلامة الأرواح والممتلكات في البحار وحماية البيئة البحرية ، وذلك بوضع معايير دولية للتدريب والإجازة والخفارة للملاحين.
ويتضمن هذا المطبوع المحضر الختامي لمؤتمر عام 2010 للأطراف في اتفاقية STCW لعام 1978 والقرارات التي اعتمدها ذلك المؤتمر ونصا جامعا وكاملا لاتفاقية STCW ، بما في ذلك موادها الأصلية والمرفق المنقح ومدونة STCW التي تكمل الاتفاقية . ويتضمّن هذا المطبوع أيضاً التعديلات على الاتفاقية والمدونة التي اعتمدت في الأعوام 2014 و 2015 و 2016.
Safety Investigation into Marine Casualties and Marine Incidents
The course is essentially balanced between theory (lecture material) practical group exercises and case studies. It consists of a series of exercises structured around the requirements of the international legislation IMO conventions and instruments and the required common and homogeneous approach application of consistent methodology and no blame culture to adopt in the conduct of Maritime safety investigations into marine casualties and marine incidents; as well as to provide reports to the Organization.