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Navigation and communications
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Operational use of integrated bridge systems including integrated navigation systems
More LessThis course provides training in the operational use of integrated bridge systems (IBS) and integrated navigational systems (INS). Designed for officers in charge of a navigational watch, the course enhances safety and environmental protection by instructing on the correct use of these systems and highlighting potential risks from improper use. Flexible in design, it can be adapted to trainees’ experience levels, ensuring comprehensive understanding. This course is a key resource for improving navigation safety standards and ensuring compliance with international maritime regulations.
Convention SOLAS
More LessDe toutes les conventions internationales ayant trait à la sécurité maritime, la plus importante est la Convention internationale de 1974 pour la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer, mieux connue sous le nom de Convention SOLAS, qui couvre une large gamme de mesures destinées à améliorer la sécurité de la navigation.
La Convention est aussi la plus ancienne : la première version fut adoptée en 1914 à la suite du naufrage du Titanic qui entraîna la perte de plus de 1 500 vies humaines. Par la suite, quatre nouvelles versions de la Convention SOLAS ont été élaborées. La version actuelle a été adoptée en 1974 et est entrée en vigueur en 1980. La présente publication commémore le 50e anniversaire de l’adoption de la Convention SOLAS de 1974, un instrument international de premier plan en matière de sécurité maritime.
La présente édition reproduit le texte récapitulatif de la Convention, son Protocole de 1988 et tous les amendements entrés en vigueur au plus tard le 1er juillet 2024. En outre, cette édition comprend les Interprétations uniformes aux règles de la Convention SOLAS, qui ont été adoptées par le Comité de la sécurité maritime.
More LessDe todos los convenios internacionales que tratan de la seguridad marítima, el más importante es el Convenio internacional para la seguridad de la vida humana en el mar, más conocido como Convenio SOLAS, que abarca una gran variedad de medidas destinadas a acrecentar la seguridad de la navegación.
El Convenio es también uno de los más antiguos en su género: la primera versión se adoptó en 1914 tras el hundimiento del Titanic, que costó la vida a más de 1 500 personas. Desde entonces ha habido cuatro versiones más. La presente versión se adoptó en 1974 y entró en vigor en 1980. En esta edición se conmemora el 50º aniversario de la adopción del Convenio SOLAS 1974, un instrumento internacional prominente para la seguridad marítima.
A fin de facilitar la consulta de todas las prescripciones del Convenio SOLAS aplicables a partir del 1 de julio de 2024, esta edición contiene el texto refundido del Convenio, su Protocolo de 1988 y todas las enmiendas en vigor en esa fecha. Asimismo, la presente edición contiene las interpretaciones unificadas de las reglas del Convenio SOLAS, que fueron adoptadas por el Comité de Seguridad Marítima.
More LessOf all the international conventions dealing with maritime safety, the most important is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, better known as SOLAS, which covers a wide range of measures designed to improve the safety of shipping.
The Convention is also one of the oldest of its kind: the first version was adopted in 1914 following the sinking of the Titanic with the loss of more than 1,500 lives. Since then, there have been four more versions of SOLAS. The present version was adopted in 1974 and entered into force in 1980. This publication commemorates the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, a prominent international instrument for maritime safety.
This edition of the publication presents a consolidated text of the Convention, its Protocol of 1988 and all amendments that have entered into force on or before 1 July 2024. Additionally, this edition includes the unified interpretations of SOLAS regulations approved by the Maritime Safety Committee.
GMDSS Manual
More LessThe GMDSS Manual provides, in a single comprehensive publication, an explanation of the principles upon which the GMDSS is based, including the radiocommunication requirements and recommendations for its implementation, the operational performance standards and technical specifications to be met by GMDSS equipment, and the procedures for and method of operation of the various radio services that form the GMDSS and the Master Plan for the GMDSS.
The 2024 edition contains the latest information emanating from the IMO project on the modernization of the GMDSS, which was completed in 2022 and led to the overall revision of relevant SOLAS regulations and many other mandatory and non-mandatory IMO instruments related to the GMDSS. This edition also includes:
- An introduction to the GMDSS, including a description of the GMDSS concept;
- A description of the components of the GMDSS, carriage requirements and operational procedures;
- Detailed information regarding terrestrial and satellite-based radiocommunication systems used in the GMDSS;
- Information concerning ongoing work at IMO related to future radiocommunication systems and services;
- Information on promulgation of Maritime safety information and Search and rescue related information, including NAVTEX and enhanced group call services;
- Excerpts from the relevant SOLAS regulations for the GMDSS;
- Supporting IMO resolutions relevant to the GMDSS;
- The current GMDSS Master Plan, giving the details of the coastal infrastructure and services provided by Member States; and
- Extracts from the ITU-R Radio Regulations giving the radio regulatory background.
The Manual is intended for use by ship personnel, shore operators, trainers, administrations, regulators and anyone concerned with ship radiocommunications.
Performance Standards for Shipborne Radiocommunications and Navigational Equipment and Systems
More LessAs a result of the modernization of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) in 2022, several performance standards have been revised, consolidated, revoked or newly adopted. Most of these performance standards will be implemented as from 1 January 2024, in line with the entry into force of the amendments to SOLAS chapter IV and other related instruments.
The latest developments under SOLAS chapter V include amendments to the performance standards for shipborne voyage data recorders and simplified voyage data recorders, and revised performance standards for electronic chart display and information systems, which will introduce new IHO S-100 product specifications.
The present publication incorporates all performance standards for shipborne radiocommunications and navigational equipment and systems, including revisions or amendments thereto adopted up to June 2023.
Bridge Resource Management
More LessThis model course is practical and theoretical, and consists of a series of exercises performed on a ship handling simulator. Classroom lectures, to provide the necessary theoretical background for the exercises, are included. Particular items dealt with in these lectures are illustrated either by including them as part of an exercise or by a separate simulator demonstration. Bridge teamwork is dealt with either as interactive Computer Based Training (CBT) or lecture.
Manual Navtex
More LessNAVTEX es un servicio internacional automatizado de impresión directa para la difusión de radioavisos náuticos y meteorológicos y otros mensajes de información urgente dirigida a los buques. Es el método principal utilizado para transmitir información sobre seguridad marítima de conformidad con las disposiciones del Convenio internacional para la seguridad de la vida humana en el mar, 1974. Se creó para disponer de un medio económico, sencillo y automático de recibir información sobre seguridad marítima y alertas de búsqueda y salvamento en los buques que naveguen en alta mar y en aguas costeras. En esta edición se incluye el procedimiento para la retirada de las estaciones NAVTEX existentes, si un Estado costero decide hacerlo.
El presente manual está destinado a las Administraciones marítimas, la gente de mar, los propietarios de buques y otras partes interesadas que participan en la preparación, la transmisión y la recepción de información sobre seguridad marítima.
La edición de 2023 del Manual entró en vigor el 1 de enero de 2023 y contiene las Normas de funcionamiento revisadas para la recepción de información sobre seguridad marítima e información relacionada con la búsqueda y el salvamento en ondas hectométricas (NAVTEX) y ondas decamétricas (resolución MSC.508(105)) y el texto revisado de los Criterios aplicables cuando se provea un servicio NAVTEX (resolución MSC.509(105)).
More LessLe service NAVTEX est un service automatique d’impression directe destiné à être utilisé dans le monde entier pour l’émission d’avertissements concernant la navigation et la météorologie et d’informations urgentes à l’intention des navires. Il s’agit de la principale méthode utilisée pour la diffusion des renseignements sur la sécurité maritime et d’alertes de recherche et de sauvetage en cas d’incident, conformément aux dispositions de la Convention internationale de 1974 pour la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer. II a été mis au point pour que les navires puissent disposer d’un moyen simple, peu coûteux et automatique leur permettant de recevoir à bord, lorsqu’ils naviguent en mer et dans les eaux côtières, des renseignements sur la sécurité maritime.
La présente édition comprend notamment la procédure de retrait des stations NAVTEX existantes, si un État côtier en décide ainsi.
Le présent Manuel a été établi essentiellement à l’intention des Administrations maritimes, des gens de mer, des armateurs et d’autres parties s’occupant de la mise au point, de la diffusion et de la réception de renseignements sur la sécurité maritime.
L’édition de 2023 du Manuel est entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier 2023 et comprend le texte révisé des Normes de fonctionnement pour la réception de renseignements sur la sécurité maritime et de renseignements relatifs à la recherche et au sauvetage sur ondes hectométriques (NAVTEX) et sur ondes décamétriques (résolution MSC.508(105)) ainsi que le texte révisé des Critères à appliquer pour assurer un service NAVTEX (résolution MSC.509(105), annexe 4).
More LessNAVTEX is an international automated directprinting service for promulgation of Maritime safety information such as navigational warnings and meteorological information to ships. It is a principle method for broadcasting maritime safety information, and Search and rescue alerts when there is an incident, in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974. It has been developed to provide a low-cost, simple and automated means of receiving Maritime safety information on board ships at sea and in coastal waters. This edition includes, in particular, the procedure to withdraw existing NAVTEX stations, should a coastal State decide to do so.
This Manual is intended for use by maritime Administrations, seafarers, shipowners and others concerned with preparing, broadcasting and receiving Maritime safety information. The 2023 edition of the Manual came into effect on 1 January 2023 and includes the revised Performance standards for the reception of Maritime safety information and Search and rescue related information by MF (NAVTEX) and HF (resolution MSC.508(105)) and the revised Criteria for use when providing a NAVTEX service (resolution MSC.509(105), annex 4).
Code international de signaux
More LessDes codes de signaux ont été publiés depuis le début du XIXe siècle afin de fournir aux marins un système commun de communication en mer, accepté au niveau international. Chaque signal du Code international de signaux a une signification complète, ce qui garantit que les situations spécifiques liées à la sécurité peuvent être clairement communiquées par divers moyens, même en cas de difficultés linguistiques.
Depuis sa première édition, publiée en 1965, des amendements au Code ont été adoptés par le Comité de la sécurité maritime (MSC) de l’Organisation maritime internationale (OMI), donnant lieu à quatre éditions ultérieures. La quatrième édition du Code (édition de 2005) a incorporé tous les amendements jusqu’à la soixante-treizième session du MSC, tenue en décembre 2000. Le Code international de signaux n’a pas été modifié depuis sa quatrième édition et la présente édition ne comporte que des améliorations d’ordre rédactionnel d’importance mineure et une nouvelle couverture. Par conséquent, l’édition de 2005 et la présente édition du Code sont considérées toutes deux valides.
Código Internacional de Señales
More LessDesde principios del siglo XIX comenzó la publicación de códigos de señales, con el fin de proporcionar un sistema común a los navegantes para la comunicación en el mar aceptado a nivel internacional. Cada señal incluida en el Código internacional de señales tiene un significado completo, lo cual garantiza que situaciones específicas relativas a la seguridad puedan comunicarse claramente por varios medios, incluso cuando surgen dificultades de idioma.
Desde la publicación de su primera edición, en 1965, el Comité de seguridad marítima (MSC) de la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) ha adoptado enmiendas y, en consecuencia, se han publicado cuatro ediciones posteriores. En la cuarta edición del Código (2005) se incluyen todas las enmiendas adoptadas hasta el MSC 73, celebrado en diciembre de 2000. Desde entonces, el Código internacional de señales no ha sido enmendado y la presente edición contiene solamente mejoras editoriales de menor importancia y una portada nueva. Así pues, tanto la edición de 2005 como la presente edición del Código se consideran válidas.
International Code of Signals
More LessCodes of signals have been published since the beginning of the 19th century to provide mariners with an internationally accepted, common system for communication at sea. Each signal within the International Code of Signals has a complete meaning, which ensures that specific situations related to safety can be clearly communicated through various means, even when language difficulties arise.
Since its first edition, published in 1965, amendments to the Code have been adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) resulting in four subsequent editions. The fourth edition of the Code (2005 edition) incorporated all amendments up to MSC 73 in December 2000. The International Code of Signals has not been amended since its fourth edition and this current edition comprises only minor editorial improvements and a new cover. Therefore, both the 2005 edition and this edition of the Code are considered equally valid.
International SafetyNET Services Manual
More LessSafetyNET is an international automatic direct-printing satellite-based service for the promulgation of maritime safety information including navigational warnings and meteorological information and other urgent safety-related messages to ships, as well as search and rescue-related information, and fulfils an integral role in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).
This edition of the Manual, renamed the International SafetyNET Services Manual, incorporates changes introduced to the Inmarsat satellite network and services including the Inmarsat Fleet Safety service, which has been recognized as a mobile satellite service for use in the GMDSS by adoption of resolution.
Manual de los Servicios SafetyNET Internacionales
More LessSafetyNET es un servicio internacional automático por satélite de impresión directa, destinado a difundir a los buques información sobre seguridad marítima (ISM), avisos náuticos y meteorológicos, pronósticos meteorológicos, información relacionada con la búsqueda y salvamento (SAR) y otros mensajes urgentes relacionados con la seguridad. SafetyNET desempeña una función esencial en el Sistema mundial de socorro y seguridad marítimos (SMSSM).
La presente edición del Manual, que ha pasado a titularse Manual de los servicios SafetyNET internacionales, incorpora los cambios introducidos en la red y los servicios de satélites de Inmarsat, incluido el servicio Fleet Safety de Inmarsat, que ha sido reconocido como servicio móvil por satélite para su utilización en el SMSSM mediante la adopción de la resolución MSC.450(99).
Manuel sur les Services SafetyNET Internationaux
More LessLe service SafetyNET est un service international automatique d’impression directe qui consiste à diffuser par satellite des renseignements sur la sécurité maritime (RSM), notamment des avertissements de navigation, des renseignements météorologiques et d’autres messages urgents concernant la sécurité à l’intention des navires, ainsi que des renseignements relatifs à la recherche et au sauvetage. Ce service fait partie intégrante du système mondial de détresse et de sécurité en mer (SMDSM).
La présente édition du Manuel, rebaptisé Manuel sur les services SafetyNET internationaux, incorpore les modifications apportées au réseau et aux services satellitaires Inmarsat, notamment le service Inmarsat Fleet Safety, qui a été reconnu comme un service mobile par satellite à utiliser dans le SMDSM, par l’adoption de la résolution MSC.450(99).
Ships’ Routeing
More LessBoth the safety of shipping and the cleanliness of oceans are promoted in many ways, one of which is the continuing development of routeing measures to control the navigation of vessels and to monitor their progress.
The measures that are described or defined in parts A and H of this publication are individually described in parts B (traffic separation schemes and inshore traffic zones), C (deepwater routes), D (areas to be avoided), E (other routeing measures, such as recommended tracks, two-way routes and recommended directions of traffic flow), F (the rules and recommendations on navigation that are associated with particular traffic areas and straits), G (mandatory ship reporting systems, mandatory routeing systems and mandatory no anchoring areas) and H (archipelagic sea lanes).
This edition incorporates routeing measures that have been adopted before July 2019.
Radar Navigation at Management Level (Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue)
More LessThis IMO model course addresses the competences and the training required for seafarers to maintain safe navigation through the use of information from navigation equipment and systems to assist command decision-making at the Management Level as specified in table A-II/2 of the STCW Code.
Radar Navigation at Operational Level: Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA
More LessThe course includes the theory necessary to understand the system configuration, principles, performance of shipborne marine radar and ARPA, the factors affecting radar performances, how radar information is obtained, displayed and analysed, the limitations and accuracy of that information, the correct use of operational controls to obtain an optimal display and use radar information to maintain safety of navigation.
Manual conjunto OMI/OHI/OMM relativo a la información sobre seguridad marítima
More LessEl presente manual es una guía práctica para todas las personas interesadas en elaborar radioavisos náuticos o en transmitir pronósticos y avisos meteorológicos en el marco del Sistema mundial de socorro y seguridad marítima (SMSSM).
Manuel conjoint OMI/OHI/OMM sur les renseignements sur la sécurité maritime
More LessLe présent Manuel constitue un guide pratique pour toute personne concernée par la rédaction des avertissements de navigation ou par la diffusion de prévisions et d’avertissements météorologiques dans le cadre du système mondial de détresse et de sécurité en mer (SMDSM).
Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information
More LessThis Manual provides a practical guide for anyone who is concerned with drafting navigational warnings or with the issuance of meteorological forecasts and warnings under the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).
General Operator’s Certificate for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
More LessThis course covers the training recommendations in annex 3 to the IMO Assembly resolution A.703(17) - Recommendation on Training of Radio Operators related to the General Operator’s Certificate (GOC). The course is revised to meet the relevant regulations of the STCW Code and the 2012 Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union.
Maritime English
More LessThere are two sections in the revised IMO model course on Maritime English: Core section 1: General Maritime English (GME), and Core section 2: Specialized Maritime English (SME), both of which contain a number of detailed teaching syllabi. GME means that the first stage of Maritime English instruction could be general. SME means that the second stage of Maritime English instruction could be maritime-specific.
Restricted Operator’s Certificate for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
More LessThis course covers the training recommendations in annex 3 to the IMO Assembly resolution A.703(17) – Recommendation on Training of Radio Operators related to the Restricted Operator’s Certificate (ROC). The course is revised to meet the relevant regulations of the STCW Code and the 2012 Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union.
Code on Alerts and Indicators, 2009
More LessThe Code on Alerts and Indicators, 2009 is intended to provide general design guidance and to promote uniformity of type, location and priority for alerts and indicators required by the SOLAS Convention, including relevant performance standards, and by the MARPOL Convention, as well as by other associated instruments and codes.
The Code will benefit designers and operators by consolidating in one document the references to priorities, aggregation, grouping, locations and types, including colours and symbols, of shipboard alerts and indicators.
This new Code updates, revises and replaces the Code on Alarms and Indicators, 1995.
Código de alertas e indicadores, 2009
More LessThe Code on Alerts and Indicators, 2009 is intended to provide general design guidance and to promote uniformity of type, location and priority for alerts and indicators required by the SOLAS Convention, including relevant performance standards, and by the MARPOL Convention, as well as by other associated instruments and codes.
The Code will benefit designers and operators by consolidating in one document the references to priorities, aggregation, grouping, locations and types, including colours and symbols, of shipboard alerts and indicators.
This new Code updates, revises and replaces the Code on Alarms and Indicators, 1995.
Recueil de règles relatives aux alertes et aux indicateurs, 2009
More LessLe Recueil de règles relatives aux alertes et aux indicateurs, 2009 a pour objet de fournir des recommandations d'ordre général en matière de conception et de promouvoir l'harmonisation des types, des emplacements et de la priorité des alertes et des indicateurs qui sont prescrits par la Convention SOLAS, y compris les normes de performance y relatives, et par la Convention MARPOL, ainsi que par divers instruments et codes et recueils connexes.
Le Recueil sera utile aux concepteurs et aux exploitants car il réunit dans un document unique les références aux priorités, à l'agrégation, au groupement, à l'emplacement des alertes et des indicateurs de bord et à leurs types, y compris leurs couleurs et les symboles.
Ce nouveau Recueil met à jour, révise et remplace le Recueil sur les règles relatives aux alarmes et aux indicateurs, 1995.
Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on a Fishing Vessel
More LessThe course is organized under the three functions at the operating level of responsibility. Specifically, this course covers the minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on Fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and over, operating in unlimited waters.
Oficial Encargado de la Guardia de Navegación en Buque Pesquero
More LessThe course is organized under the three functions at the operating level of responsibility. Specifically, this course covers the minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on Fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and over, operating in unlimited waters.
More LessThe Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREG 1972) has been accepted by many States since it was adopted in 1972 and entered into force in July 1977. It was amended in 1981, 1987, 1989, 1993 and 2001. This publication contains the fully consolidated text of the 1972 Convention. It supersedes the 2002 consolidated edition.
More LessThe Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREG 1972) has been accepted by many States since it was adopted in 1972 and entered into force in July 1977. It was amended in 1981, 1987, 1989, 1993 and 2001. This publication contains the fully consolidated text of the 1972 Convention. It supersedes the 2002 consolidated edition.
More LessLa Convention sur le règlement international de 1972 pour prévenir les abordages en mer (COLREG 1972) a été acceptée par de nombreux États depuis son adoption en 1972 et son entrée en vigueur en juillet 1977. Elle a été modifiée en 1981, 1987, 1989, 1993 et 2001. La présente publication contient le texte récapitulatif de la Convention de 1972. Elle remplace l'édition récapitulative de 2002.
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By: NAحظيت اتفاقية عام 1972 للوائح الدولية لمنع التصادم في البحار (اتفاقية لعام 1972) بقبول العديد من الدول منذ اعتمادها عام 1972 ودخلت حيز النفاذ في تموز/يوليو 1977. وعُدِّلت هذه الاتفاقية في أعوام 1981 و1987 و1989 و1993 و2001. وتتضمن هذه المطبوعة النص الجامع لكل تعديلات اتفاقية عام 1972. وتحل محل طبعة عام 2002 الجامعة للتعديلات.
More LessThe Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREG 1972) has been accepted by many States since it was adopted in 1972 and entered into force in July 1977. It was amended in 1981, 1987, 1989, 1993 and 2001. This publication contains the fully consolidated text of the 1972 Convention. It supersedes the 2002 consolidated edition.
Les SMCP de l'OMI
More LessLes communications ayant trait à la navigation et à la sécurité entre le navire et la terre et inversement, entre les navires et à bord des navires doivent être précises, simples et sans ambiguïté, de façon à éviter les confusions et les erreurs; il est nécessaire de normaliser la langue utilisée.
En vertu de la Convention internationale de 1978 sur les normes de formation des gens de mer, de délivrance des brevets et de veille, telle que modifiée en 1995, l'aptitude à utiliser et comprendre les SMCP de l'OMI fait partie des compétences requises pour la délivrance du brevet d'officier chargé du quart à la passerelle à bord des navires d'une jauge brute égale ou supérieure à 500.
By: 国际海事组织The Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREG 1972) has been accepted by many States since it was adopted in 1972 and entered into force in July 1977. It was amended in 1981, 1987, 1989, 1993 and 2001. This publication contains the fully consolidated text of the 1972 Convention. It supersedes the 2002 consolidated edition.
More LessAs navigational and safety communications from ship to shore and vice versa, from ship to ship, and on board ship must be precise, simple and unambiguous so as to avoid confusion and error, there is a need to standardize the language used.
Under the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as revised in 1995, the ability to use and understand the IMO SMCP is required for the certification of officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more.
SMCP de la OMI
More LessAs navigational and safety communications from ship to shore and vice versa, from ship to ship, and on board ship must be precise, simple and unambiguous so as to avoid confusion and error, there is a need to standardize the language used.
Under the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as revised in 1995, the ability to use and understand the IMO SMCP is required for the certification of officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more.
Second-Class Radioelectronic Certificate for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Radio Personnel
More LessThis Model Course is based on IMO Model Course 1.25, “General Operator’s Certificate for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System”, covering training organization, teaching aids and technical facilities. It is intended to provide trainees with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills sufficient to perform the functions of second-class radio-electronics personnel.