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Navigation and communications

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Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information
This Manual provides a practical guide for the preparation of messages related to maritime safety information and the dissemination of navigational warnings and/or meteorological forecasts and warnings under the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System.
Operational use of integrated bridge systems including integrated navigation systems
More LessThis course provides training in the operational use of integrated bridge systems (IBS) and integrated navigational systems (INS). Designed for officers in charge of a navigational watch, the course enhances safety and environmental protection by instructing on the correct use of these systems and highlighting potential risks from improper use. Flexible in design, it can be adapted to trainees’ experience levels, ensuring Read More
Convention SOLAS
More LessDe toutes les conventions internationales ayant trait à la sécurité maritime, la plus importante est la Convention internationale de 1974 pour la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer, mieux connue sous le nom de Convention SOLAS, qui couvre une large gamme de mesures destinées à améliorer la sécurité de la navigation. La Convention est aussi la plus ancienne : la première version fut adoptée en 1914 à la suite du n Read More
More LessDe todos los convenios internacionales que tratan de la seguridad marítima, el más importante es el Convenio internacional para la seguridad de la vida humana en el mar, más conocido como Convenio SOLAS, que abarca una gran variedad de medidas destinadas a acrecentar la seguridad de la navegación. El Convenio es también uno de los más antiguos en su género: la primera versión se adoptó en 1914 tras el hundimiento Read More
GMDSS Manual
More LessThe GMDSS Manual provides, in a single comprehensive publication, an explanation of the principles upon which the GMDSS is based, including the radiocommunication requirements and recommendations for its implementation, the operational performance standards and technical specifications to be met by GMDSS equipment, and the procedures for and method of operation of the various radio services that form t Read More
Performance Standards for Shipborne Radiocommunications and Navigational Equipment and Systems
More LessAs a result of the modernization of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) in 2022, several performance standards have been revised, consolidated, revoked or newly adopted. Most of these performance standards will be implemented as from 1 January 2024, in line with the entry into force of the amendments to SOLAS chapter IV and other related instruments. The latest developments under SOLAS chapter Read More
Bridge Resource Management
More LessThis model course is practical and theoretical, and consists of a series of exercises performed on a ship handling simulator. Classroom lectures, to provide the necessary theoretical background for the exercises, are included. Particular items dealt with in these lectures are illustrated either by including them as part of an exercise or by a separate simulator demonstration. Bridge teamwork is dealt with either as interactive Com Read More
Manual Navtex
More LessNAVTEX es un servicio internacional automatizado de impresión directa para la difusión de radioavisos náuticos y meteorológicos y otros mensajes de información urgente dirigida a los buques. Es el método principal utilizado para transmitir información sobre seguridad marítima de conformidad con las disposiciones del Convenio internacional para la seguridad de la vida humana en el mar, 1974. Se creó para dispon Read More
More LessLe service NAVTEX est un service automatique d’impression directe destiné à être utilisé dans le monde entier pour l’émission d’avertissements concernant la navigation et la météorologie et d’informations urgentes à l’intention des navires. Il s’agit de la principale méthode utilisée pour la diffusion des renseignements sur la sécurité maritime et d’alertes de recherche et de sauvetage en cas d’incident, conformément aux d Read More
More LessNAVTEX is an international automated directprinting service for promulgation of Maritime safety information such as navigational warnings and meteorological information to ships. It is a principle method for broadcasting maritime safety information, and Search and rescue alerts when there is an incident, in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974. It has been dev Read More
Code international de signaux
More LessDes codes de signaux ont été publiés depuis le début du XIXe siècle afin de fournir aux marins un système commun de communication en mer, accepté au niveau international. Chaque signal du Code international de signaux a une signification complète, ce qui garantit que les situations spécifiques liées à la sécurité peuvent être clairement communiquées par divers moyens, même en cas de difficultés linguistiques. Depu Read More
Código Internacional de Señales
More LessDesde principios del siglo XIX comenzó la publicación de códigos de señales, con el fin de proporcionar un sistema común a los navegantes para la comunicación en el mar aceptado a nivel internacional. Cada señal incluida en el Código internacional de señales tiene un significado completo, lo cual garantiza que situaciones específicas relativas a la seguridad puedan comunicarse claramente por varios medios, incluso cuando s Read More
International Code of Signals
More LessCodes of signals have been published since the beginning of the 19th century to provide mariners with an internationally accepted, common system for communication at sea. Each signal within the International Code of Signals has a complete meaning, which ensures that specific situations related to safety can be clearly communicated through various means, even when language difficulties arise. Since its first edi Read More
International SafetyNET Services Manual
More LessSafetyNET is an international automatic direct-printing satellite-based service for the promulgation of maritime safety information including navigational warnings and meteorological information and other urgent safety-related messages to ships, as well as search and rescue-related information, and fulfils an integral role in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). This edition of the Manual, renamed Read More
Manual de los Servicios SafetyNET Internacionales
More LessSafetyNET es un servicio internacional automático por satélite de impresión directa, destinado a difundir a los buques información sobre seguridad marítima (ISM), avisos náuticos y meteorológicos, pronósticos meteorológicos, información relacionada con la búsqueda y salvamento (SAR) y otros mensajes urgentes relacionados con la seguridad. SafetyNET desempeña una función esencial en el Sistema mundial de socorro y Read More
Manuel sur les Services SafetyNET Internationaux
More LessLe service SafetyNET est un service international automatique d’impression directe qui consiste à diffuser par satellite des renseignements sur la sécurité maritime (RSM), notamment des avertissements de navigation, des renseignements météorologiques et d’autres messages urgents concernant la sécurité à l’intention des navires, ainsi que des renseignements relatifs à la recherche et au sauvetage. Ce service fait par Read More
Ships’ Routeing
More LessBoth the safety of shipping and the cleanliness of oceans are promoted in many ways, one of which is the continuing development of routeing measures to control the navigation of vessels and to monitor their progress. The measures that are described or defined in parts A and H of this publication are individually described in parts B (traffic separation schemes and inshore traffic zones), C (deepwater routes), D (areas to Read More
Radar Navigation at Management Level (Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue)
More LessThis IMO model course addresses the competences and the training required for seafarers to maintain safe navigation through the use of information from navigation equipment and systems to assist command decision-making at the Management Level as specified in table A-II/2 of the STCW Code.
Radar Navigation at Operational Level: Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA
More LessThe course includes the theory necessary to understand the system configuration, principles, performance of shipborne marine radar and ARPA, the factors affecting radar performances, how radar information is obtained, displayed and analysed, the limitations and accuracy of that information, the correct use of operational controls to obtain an optimal display and use radar information to maintain safety of navigation.
General Operator’s Certificate for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
More LessThis course covers the training recommendations in annex 3 to the IMO Assembly resolution A.703(17) - Recommendation on Training of Radio Operators related to the General Operator’s Certificate (GOC). The course is revised to meet the relevant regulations of the STCW Code and the 2012 Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union.