Advanced Training in Fire Fighting
Model course 2.03
This course covers training in fire fighting and is based on the provisions of table A-VI/3 of the STCW Code.
AFS Convention
The International Conference on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems for Ships 2001 was held in London in October 2001. The Conference adopted the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems (AFS) on Ships 2001 together with four Conference resolutions relating to the early and effective application of the AFS Convention approval and test methodologies for anti-fouling systems on ships and the promotion of technical co-operation.
This third edition of the AFS Convention publication includes the updated text of the AFS Convention including the amendments to annexes 1 and 4 concerning the introduction of controls on cybutryne and other consequential amendments that entered into force on 1 January 2023 and the revised guidelines that support the implementation of the amended Convention.
Advanced Training for Masters, Officers, Ratings and Other Personnel on Ships Subject to the IGF Code
This course comprises an advanced training programme and qualification for personnel with immediate responsibility for the care and use of fuels and fuel systems on ships subject to the IGF Code and builds upon the learning outcomes of the basic course. The course addresses trainees’ duties to apply a safety culture on board and be familiar with the properties of liquefied gas fuels take precautions to prevent hazards apply health and safety precautions and Fire safety measures respond to emergencies prevent pollution of the environment and monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements.
Automatic Identification Systems (AIS)
Model course 1.34
This course provides information on the generic use of AIS and is designed for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships that are fitted with such equipment. Its main aims are to increase safety and security and to protect the environment by giving instruction on the understanding and safe use of such systems including illustrations of dangerous or improper use.
This model course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge understanding and proficiency in table A-II/1 of the STCW Code and takes into account all relevant IMO resolutions and guidelines on AIS available at the time the model course was prepared.
Acuerdo de Ciudad del Cabo de 2012
El Acuerdo de Ciudad del Cabo de 2012 sobre la implantación de las disposiciones del Protocolo de Torremolinos de 1993 relativo al Convenio internacional de Torremolinos para la seguridad de los buques pesqueros 1977 (el Acuerdo) fue adoptado por la Conferencia internacional sobre la seguridad de los buques pesqueros celebrada del 9 al 11 de octubre de 2012 en Ciudad del Cabo (Sudáfrica) bajo los auspicios de la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) como resultado de la ardua labor realizada y los intensos debates mantenidos a lo largo de cinco años.
La seguridad de los pescadores y de los buques de pesca forma parte integrante del mandato de la OMI sin embargo desde una perspectiva mundial el sector pesquero no cuenta con un historial de seguridad aceptable; y aunque varios factores han contribuido a ello no hay duda que la falta de un regimen normativo vinculante a nivel internacional ha desempeñado un papel significante en la situación actual. En este contexto ni el Convenio internacional de Torremolinos para la seguridad de los buques pesqueros 1977 ni el Protocolo de Torremolinos adoptado en 1993 llegaron a entrar en vigor debido a varias restricciones de índole técnica y jurídica. El Acuerdo supuso la renovación de las disposiciones de entrada en vigor del Protocolo de Torremolinos de 1993 y se espera que desempeñe una función importante en la mejora de las normas de seguridad y la reducción de la pérdida de vidas humanas en el sector de la pesca.
El Acuerdo de Ciudad del Cabo de 2012 entrará en vigor 12 meses después de la fecha en que por lo menos 22 Estados que tengan como mínimo 3 600 buques pesqueros de eslora igual o superior a 24 m que operen en alta mar en total hayan manifestado su consentimiento en obligarse por él.
Accord du Cap de 2012
L’Accord du Cap de 2012 sur la mise en œuvre des dispositions du Protocole de Torremolinos de 1993 relatif à la Convention internationale de Torremolinos sur la sécurité des navires de pêche 1977 a été adopté par la Conférence internationale sur la sécurité des navires de pêche tenue du 9 au 11 octobre 2012 au Cap (Afrique du Sud) sous les auspices de l’Organisation maritime internationale (OMI) aux termes de travaux soutenus et d’un échange de vues approfondi sur une période de cinq ans.
La sécurité des pêcheurs et des navires de pêche fait partie intégrante du mandat de l’OMI; toutefois le secteur de la pêche d’un point de vue mondial ne fournit pas un bilan de sécurité acceptable et s’il est vrai qu’un bon nombre de facteurs y ont contribué il ne fait aucun doute que l’absence d’un régime réglementaire international efficace et obligatoire a joué un rôle non négligeable pour préserver le statu quo. Dans ce contexte ni la Convention internationale de Torremolinos sur la sécurité des navires de pêche adoptée en 1977 ni le Protocole de Torremolinos adopté en 1993 ne sont entrés en vigueur en raison de diverses contraintes d’ordre juridique et technique. L’Accord marquait un engagement renouvelé en faveur de l’entrée en vigueur des dispositions du Protocole de Torremolinos de 1993 et il devrait jouer un rôle majeur dans l’amélioration des normes de sécurité et la réduction des pertes en vies humaines dans le secteur halieutique.
L’Accord du Cap de 2012 entrera en vigueur 12 mois après la date à laquelle le consentement à être lié par lui aura été exprimé par au moins 22 États dont le nombre total de navires de pêche d’une longueur égale ou supérieure à 24 m exploités en haute mer est au moins égal à 3 600.
Advanced Training for Ships Operating in Polar Waters
This “advanced” course provides training to navigation officers to operate ships in Polar waters and to address those additional provisions deemed necessary for consideration beyond existing requirements of the SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions in order to take into account the climatic conditions of Polar waters and to meet appropriate standards of Maritime safety and pollution prevention.
Assessment, Examination and Certification of Seafarers
Model Course 3.12
The model course includes introductory classroom instruction on the assessment examination and certification of seafarers (in particular masters chief engineers deck and engineer officers) covering the provisions for training assessment examination and certification of masters officers and ratings of the STCW Convention; the implementation of these provisions under national law; the selection of assessment methods; the organization of assessments and the issue and control of certificates.
Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
Model course 1.03
This course provides training for masters chief engineer officers chief mates second engineer officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading unloading care in transit handling of cargo tank cleaning or other cargo-related operations on chemical tankers. The course takes full account of section A-V/1-1 of the STCW Code.
Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations
This course provides training for Masters chief engineer officers chief mates second engineer officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading unloading care in transit handling of cargo tank cleaning or other cargo related operations on liquefied gas tankers. The course takes full account of section A-V/1-2 of the STCW Code adopted by the International Convention on Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers as amended including the Manila amendments 2010.
Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations
This course provides training to candidates to meet the requirements of Section A V/1 1 paragraph 2 of the STCW Code with specific duties for loading unloading and care in transit or handling of oil cargoes. It comprises an advanced training programme appropriate to their duties including oil tanker safety Fire safety measures pollution prevention operational practice and obligations under applicable law and regulations.
Actions to be Taken to Prevent Acts of Piracy and Armed Robbery
The emphasis of this model course is not on training to fight pirates but rather to assist trainees to identify deter or mitigate such events through proper planning preparation and coordination with various entities.