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Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Tanker Cargo and Ballast Handling Simulator
More LessThe course is essentially a practical one, and consists of a series of exercises structured around the operation of the cargo and ballast installation of a liquefied gas tanker and carried out in conjunction with a simulator.
Revised Recommendations on the Safe Transport of Dangerous Cargoes and Related Activities in Port Areas
More LessA Recommendation on Safe Practice on Dangerous goods in Ports and Harbours was first circulated by the Organization in November 1973. The subsequent development of new techniques in shore and ship operations, as well as the desirability of having more comprehensive recommendations which included Dangerous goods in packaged form, liquid and solid dangerous substances and liquefied gas carried in bulk, made it necessary to revise and update the Recommendation.
The revised Recommendations are aligned with relevant IMO codes and the IMDG Code in particular. It is considered essential to harmonize the rules within the port area with those applied to the ship in order to ensure smooth operations and to avoid misunderstandings between ship and shore. A non-exhaustive glossary of relevance to the handling of dangerous cargoes is given in appendix 1 of this publication.
More LessIn view of the revised MARPOL Annex I coming into force on 1 January 2007, as did the amendments to CAS by resolution MEPC.131(53), the purpose of this publication is to provide an easy reference to the up-to-date provisions of CAS, including incorporation of all of the amendments that have been adopted by the MEPC, up to and including the amendments adopted by resolution MEPC.131(53).
Safe Packing of Cargo Transport Units (CTUs)
More LessThis course provides basic training in the safe packing and securing of cargoes in cargo transport units.
Código BSMA
More LessThe purpose of the Code of Safe Practice for the Carriage of Cargoes and Persons by Offshore supply vessels (OSV Code), which was adopted by resolution A.863(20), is to provide, for both the operator and contractor, an international standard to avoid or to reduce to a minimum the hazards which affect Offshore supply vessels in their daily operation of carrying cargoes and persons from and between offshore installations. This standard should be considered when implementing a safety-management system within the meaning of paragraph 1.4 of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code.
Recueil OSV
More LessL'objet du Recueil de règles pratiques pour la sécurité du transport de cargaisons et de personnes par des navires ravitailleurs au large (Recueil OSV), adopté par la résolution A.863(20), est d'établir à l'intention de l'exploitant comme du contractant une norme internationale visant à éviter ou réduire au minimum les dangers auxquels sont quotidiennement exposés les navires ravitailleurs au large effectuant le transport de cargaisons et/ou de personnes à destination et en provenance des installations au large, ou entre entre celles-ci. Cette norme devrait être prise en considération lors de la mise en oeuvre d'un système de gestion de la sécurité selon les modalités prévues au paragraphe 1.4 du Code international de gestion de la sécurité (Code ISM) de l'OMI
Safe Packing of Cargo Transport Units (CTUs): Workbook
More LessWorkbook (sold separately), with quick lashing guides for transport on road and in sea areas A, B and C.
OSV Code
More LessThe purpose of the Code of Safe Practice for the Carriage of Cargoes and Persons by Offshore supply vessels (OSV Code), which was adopted by resolution A.863(20), is to provide, for both the operator and contractor, an international standard to avoid or to reduce to a minimum the hazards which affect Offshore supply vessels in their daily operation of carrying cargoes and persons from and between offshore installations. This standard should be considered when implementing a safety-management system within the meaning of paragraph 1.4 of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code.
Directrices para la clasificación provisional de líquidos transportados a granel
More LessThese Guidelines were approved in conjunction with the extension of the unified interpretation of regulation 3(4) of Annex II of MARPOL, which made it possible for Administrations to authorize manufacturers to carry out provisional assessments on IMO’s behalf. The Guidelines also provide step-by-step procedures for ascertaining the carriage requirements of all liquids offered for bulk carriage.
Directives pour l’évaluation provisoire des liquides transportés en vrac
More LessLes présentes Directives ont été approuvées en même temps que l'élargissement de l'Interprétation uniforme du paragraphe 4 de la règle 3 de l'Annexe II de la Convention MARPOL, qui a permis aux Autorités d'autoriser les fabricants à procéder à des évaluations provisoires au nom de l'OMI. Les Directives ont également permis d'établir, étape par étape, les procédures permettant de vérifier les prescriptions applicables au transport de tous les liquides destinés à être expédiés en vrac.
Guidelines for the Provisional Assessment of Liquids Transported in Bulk
More LessThese Guidelines were approved in conjunction with the extension of the unified interpretation of regulation 3(4) of Annex II of MARPOL, which made it possible for Administrations to authorize manufacturers to carry out provisional assessments on IMO’s behalf. The Guidelines also provide step- by-step procedures for ascertaining the carriage requirements of all liquids offered for bulk carriage.
By: 国际海事组织The Maritime safety Committee, at its fifty-ninth session (May 1991), adopted a new International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk (International Grain Code). This replaced the original chapter VI of SOLAS, which contained detailed regulations on the carriage of grain in bulk, with more general requirements and placed the detailed provisions on grain in a separate mandatory code.
ﺍﻟﻤﺪﻭﻧﺔ ﺍﻟﺪﻭﻟﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﺤﺒﻮﺏ
More Lessاعتمدت لجنة السلامة البحرية في دورتها الخمسين (أيار/مايو 1991)، المدونة الدولية الجديدة لسلامة نقل الحبوب السائبة (المدونة الدولية للحبوب). وحلت هذه المدونة محل الفصل VIالأصلي من اتفاقية سولاس الذي كان يتضمن لوائح تفصيلية بشأن نقل الحبوب السائبة واستعاضت عنها بمتطلبات ذات طابع أعم وأدرجت الأحكام التفصيلية المتعلقة بالحبوب في مدونة إلزامية منفصلة.
Código internacional para el transporte de grano
More LessThe Maritime safety Committee, at its fifty-ninth session (May 1991), adopted a new International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk (International Grain Code). This replaced the original chapter VI of SOLAS, which contained detailed regulations on the carriage of grain in bulk, with more general requirements and placed the detailed provisions on grain in a separate mandatory code.
Recueil international de règles sur les grains
More LessLe Comité de la sécurité maritime, lors de sa cinquante-neuvième session (mai 1991), a adopté un nouveau Recueil international de règles de sécurité pour le transport de grains en vrac (Recueil international de règles sur les grains). Le chapitre VI original de la Convention SOLAS de 1974, qui contenait des règles détaillées pour le transport de grains en vrac, a été remplacé par des prescriptions plus générales et des dispositions détaillées sur les grains ont été regroupées dans un recueil de règles obligatoires distinct.
International Grain Code
More LessThe Maritime Safety Committee, at its fifty-ninth session (May 1991), adopted a new International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk (International Grain Code). This replaced the original chapter VI of SOLAS, which contained detailed regulations on the carriage of grain in bulk, with more general requirements and placed the detailed provisions on grain in a separate mandatory code.
Международный Кодекс по Перебозке Зерна
More LessThe Maritime safety Committee, at its fifty-ninth session (May 1991), adopted a new International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk (International Grain Code). This replaced the original chapter VI of SOLAS, which contained detailed regulations on the carriage of grain in bulk, with more general requirements and placed the detailed provisions on grain in a separate mandatory code.
Recueil de Règles Applicables aux Navires Existants Transportant des Gaz Liquéfiés en Vrac
More LessLe présent Recueil a pour objet d'offrir des normes internationales relatives à la sécurité du transport des gaz liquéfiés en vrac par les navires, qui sont actuellement en service, ou qui, pour d'autres raisons, ne relèvent pas du champ d'application des normes plus complètes énoncées dans la résolution A.328(IX). Le Recueil s'applique généralement aux navires livrés avant le 31 décembre 1976. Y sont inclus, le supplément, le résumé des prescriptions minimales du Recueil et le supplément de 1980.
Code for Existing Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
More LessThe purpose of this Code is to provide international standards for the safe carriage of liquefied gases in bulk by ships which are currently in service, or which otherwise fall outside the scope of the more extensive standards contained in resolution A.328(IX). The Code generally applies to ships delivered before 31 December 1976. The supplement, Summary of Minimum Requirements of the Code and 1980 Supplement are included.