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MANUAL OMI/PNUMA sobre la evaluación de los daños ocasionados al medio ambiente y su rehabilitación tras un derrame de hidrocarburos en el mar

image of MANUAL OMI/PNUMA sobre la evaluación de los daños ocasionados al medio ambiente y su rehabilitación tras un derrame de hidrocarburos en el mar


The objective of the Manual is to provide guidance on strategies that may be used to assess the damage and subsequent recovery of the environment resulting from marine pollution incidents. Available techniques are considered together with criteria to help judge the feasibility of such measures to bring about successful recovery of those environments.

The Manual emphasizes the importance of pre-spill planning and provides an overview of assessment techniques and restoration measure in various ecosystems. It also provides guidance on opportunities for compensation through the international oil compensation schemes. Practical examples of natural resource assessment and restoration are provided through a series of case studies.

Связанные темы: Marine environment protection ; Oil pollution


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