Chemical carriers
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Recueil IBC
Sep 2020
L’objectif du Recueil international de règles relatives à la construction et à l’équipement des navires transportant des produits chimiques dangereux en vrac (Recueil IBC) a pour objet d’offrir des normes internationales pour la sécurité du transport maritime en vrac des produits chimiques dangereux et des substances liquides nocives énumérés au chapitre 17. Il prescrit des normes de conception et de construction des navires utilisés pour un tel trans Read More

Código CIQ
Sep 2020
The purpose of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) is to provide an international standard for the safe carriage in bulk by sea of dangerous chemicals and noxious liquid substances listed in chapter 17 of the Code. The Code prescribes the design and construction standards of ships regardless of tonnage involved in such carriage and the equipment they shall carry to m Read More

IBC Code
Sep 2020
The purpose of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) is to provide an international standard for the safe carriage in bulk by sea of dangerous chemicals and noxious liquid substances listed in chapter 17 of the Code. The Code prescribes the design and construction standards of ships regardless of tonnage involved in such carriage and the equipment they shall carry to m Read More

OSV Chemical Code
Sep 2018
The Code for the Transport and Handling of Hazardous and Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk on Offshore Support Vessels (OSV Chemical Code) has been developed for the design construction and operation of offshore support vessels (OSVs) which transport hazardous and noxious liquid substances in bulk for the servicing and resupplying of offshore platforms Mobile offshore drilling units and other offshore installations including those employed in the se Read More

Recueil OSV sur le transport de produits chimiques
Jan 2018
Le Recueil de règles relatives au transport et à la manutention de substances liquides nocives et potentiellement dangereuses en vrac à bord des navires de servitude au large (Recueil OSV sur le transport de produits chimiques) a été élaboré pour la conception la construction et l’exploitation des navires de servitude au large qui transportent des substances liquides nocives et potentiellement dangereuses en vrac aux fins de l’entretien et du réapprovi Read More

Código Químico para los OSV
Jan 2018
El Código para el transporte y la manipulación de sustancias líquidas nocivas y potencialmente peligrosas a granel en buques de apoyo mar adentro (Código químico para los OSV) ha sido elaborado para el proyecto la construcción y la utilización de buques de apoyo mar adentro (OSV) que transporten sustancias líquidas nocivas y potencialmente peligrosas a granel para el mantenimiento y el aprovisionamiento de las plataformas unidades móviles de perfo Read More

Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
Model course 1.03
Jan 2016
This course provides training for masters chief engineer officers chief mates second engineer officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading unloading care in transit handling of cargo tank cleaning or other cargo-related operations on chemical tankers. The course takes full account of section A-V/1-1 of the STCW Code.

BCH Code
May 2009
The Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) presents amendments to the Code to reflect the 2007 revision of MARPOL Annex II and other amendments related to:Survey and certificationMaterials of constructionFire protectionPersonnel protectionCertificate of fitness for the carriage of dangerous chemicals in bulk.

Simulador de la Manipulación de la Carga y el Lastre de los Buques Tanque Quimiqueros
Jan 2008
The course is essentially a practical one and consists of a series of exercises structured around the operation of the cargo and ballast installation of a chemical tanker and carried out in conjunction with a simulator.

Simulateur de Manutention de la Cargaison et du Ballast à Bord des Chimiquiers
Cours Type 1.37
Jan 2008
Le présent cours consiste essentiellement en une série d'exercices structurés autour de l'exploitation de l'installation de cargaison et de ballast d'un chimiquier et effectués sur un simulateur.

Chemical Tanker Cargo and Ballast Handling Simulator
Jan 2007
The course is essentially a practical one and consists of a series of exercises structured around the operation of the cargo and ballast installation of a chemical tanker and carried out in conjunction with a simulator.
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