Bulk carriers
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Code Maritime International des Cargaisons Solides en Vrac et Supplément
Oct 2023
Le Code maritime international des cargaisons solides en vrac (Code IMSBC) adopté le 4 décembre 2008 par la résolution MSC.268(85) est entré en vigueur le 1er janvier 2011 date à laquelle il est devenu obligatoire en vertu des dispositions de la Convention internationale de 1974 pour la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer (Convention SOLAS). La présente édition incorpore l’Amendement 07-23 et peut être mis en application à partir du 1er janvier 20 Read More

Código IMSBC
Oct 2023
El Código marítimo internacional de cargas sólidas a granel (Código IMSBC) adoptado el 4 de diciembre de 2008 mediante la resolución MSC.268(85) entró en vigor el 1 de enero de 2011 fecha a partir de la cual adquirió carácter obligatorio en virtud de las disposiciones del Convenio SOLAS. La presente edición incluye la Enmienda 07-23 que se puede aplicar con carácter voluntario a partir del 1 de enero de 2024 en espera de su entrada en vigor oficial p Read More

Sep 2023
The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code) adopted on 4 December 2008 by resolution MSC.268(85) entered into force on 1 January 2011 from which date it was made mandatory under the provisions of the SOLAS Convention. The present edition incorporates Amendment 07-23 which may be applied from 1 January 2024 on a voluntary basis anticipating its envisaged official entry into force on 1 January 2025. This publication also pres Read More

Código ESP 2011
Código Internacional sobre el Programa Mejorado de Inspecciones Durante el Reconocimiento de Graneleros y Petroleros, 2011
Jul 2021
El Código internacional sobre el programa mejorado de inspecciones durante los reconocimientos de graneleros y petroleros 2011 (Código ESP 2011) establece una norma para el reconocimiento periódico y seguro de las zonas de carga y de lastre de los petroleros y graneleros. El Código contiene en particular prescripciones sobre: los reconocimientos de renovación anuales e intermedios; los preparativos para los reconocimientos; la documen Read More

Recueil ESP de 2011
May 2021
Le Recueil international sur le programme renforcé d’inspections à l’occasion des visites des vraquiers et des pétroliers 2011 (Recueil ESP de 2011) a pour objet de fournir une norme uniforme en matière de visites pour que les espaces à cargaison et les citernes à ballast des pétroliers et des vraquiers soient inspectés régulièrement en toute sécurité. Le présent Recueil contient en particulier des prescriptions spécifiques relatives aux aspects suivants : Read More

2011 ESP Code
Nov 2020
The International code on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers 2011 (2011 ESP Code) establishes a survey standard for the regular and safe survey of the cargo and ballast areas of oil tankers and bulk carriers. The Code provides in particular requirements for: renewal annual and intermediate surveys preparations for surveys documentation on board procedures for thickness measurements acceptance Read More

Recueil IBC
Sep 2020
L’objectif du Recueil international de règles relatives à la construction et à l’équipement des navires transportant des produits chimiques dangereux en vrac (Recueil IBC) a pour objet d’offrir des normes internationales pour la sécurité du transport maritime en vrac des produits chimiques dangereux et des substances liquides nocives énumérés au chapitre 17. Il prescrit des normes de conception et de construction des navires utilisés pour un tel trans Read More

Código CIQ
Sep 2020
The purpose of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) is to provide an international standard for the safe carriage in bulk by sea of dangerous chemicals and noxious liquid substances listed in chapter 17 of the Code. The Code prescribes the design and construction standards of ships regardless of tonnage involved in such carriage and the equipment they shall carry to m Read More

IBC Code
Sep 2020
The purpose of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) is to provide an international standard for the safe carriage in bulk by sea of dangerous chemicals and noxious liquid substances listed in chapter 17 of the Code. The Code prescribes the design and construction standards of ships regardless of tonnage involved in such carriage and the equipment they shall carry to m Read More

Safe Handling and Transport of Solid Bulk Cargoes
Model Course 1.45
Jan 2019
The course is intended for seafarers on board ships carrying solid bulk cargoes and personnel involved in the transport chain of solid bulk cargoes such as officials of the competent authorities port authorities port terminals mine operators shippers technicians and shipping company’s representatives as well as all personnel involved in the assessment of acceptability of consignments of solid bulk cargoes according to the IMSBC Code.

IGC Code
Jun 2016
The purpose of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) is to provide an international standard for the safe carriage by sea in bulk of liquefied gases and certain other substances that are listed in chapter 19. Through consideration of the products carried it prescribes the design and construction standards of the ships involved and the equipment they should carry to minimize the ris Read More

Recueil IGC
Jan 2016
Le Recueil international de règles relatives à la construction et à l’équipement des navires transportant des gaz liquéfiés en vrac (Recueil IGC) a pour objet d’offrir une norme internationale relative à la sécurité du transport maritime en vrac des gaz liquéfiés et de certaines autres matières qui sont énumérées au chapitre 19. Tenant compte des produits transportés il impose aux navires utilisés des normes de conception et de construction et un équipement Read More

Código CIG
Código internacional para la construcción y el equipo de buques que transporten gases licuados a granel
Jan 2016
La finalidad del presente código es sentar una norma internacional para la seguridad del transporte marítimo a granel de gases licuados y de determinadas otras sustancias que se enumeran en el capítulo 19. Teniendo en cuenta los productos transportados se prescribe que los buques destinados a dicho transporte utilicen normas de proyecto y de construcción y un equipo que permitan reducir al mínimo los riesgos a los que se expone el buque su Read More

BLU Code
Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers
Jan 2011
BLU Code including BLU Manual contains the Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers incorporating all amendments up to and including 2010 and the Manual on loading and unloading of solid bulk cargoes for terminal representatives incorporating all amendments up to and including 2010. Also presented is Additional considerations for the safe loading of bulk carriers (MSC.1/Circ.1357).

Recueil BLU
Recueil de Règles Pratiques pour la Sécurité du Chargement et du Déchargement des Vraquiers
Jan 2011
La présente publication du Recueil BLU y compris le Manuel BLU renferme tous les amendements adoptés jusqu’en mai 2010. Elle comprend entre autres : les amendements au Recueil BLU adoptés par le Comité de la sécurité maritime à ses quatre-vingtdeuxième et quatre-vingt-septième sessions en décembre 2006 et en mai 2010 respectivement; les amendements au Manuel BLU adoptés par le Comité de la sécurité maritime à sa quatre-vingtseptième Read More

Código BLU
Código de prácticas para la seguridad de las operaciones de carga y descarga de graneleros
Jan 2011
Esta edición del Código BLU incluye además del propio Código el Manual BLU e incorpora las enmiendas adoptadas hasta mayo de 2010. Contiene: las enmiendas al Código BLU adoptadas por el Comité de Seguridad Marítima en sus periodos de sesiones 82º y 87º celebrados en diciembre de 2006 y en mayo de 2010 respectivamente las enmiendas al Manual BLU adoptadas por el Comité de Seguridad Marítima en su 87º periodo de sesiones en mayo d Read More

Prevention of corrosion on board ships
Jan 2010
Following the continuing loss sometimes without a trace of ships carrying solid bulk cargoes and the heavy loss of life caused by such accidents the IMO Assembly in the early 90s requested the Maritime safety Committee (MSC) to develop requirements for the design construction operation maintenance and survey of Bulk carriers and specific precautionary measures with respect to type of cargoes. Consequently extensive deliberations of the issues in Read More

BCH Code
May 2009
The Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) presents amendments to the Code to reflect the 2007 revision of MARPOL Annex II and other amendments related to:Survey and certificationMaterials of constructionFire protectionPersonnel protectionCertificate of fitness for the carriage of dangerous chemicals in bulk.

Jan 2006
In view of the revised MARPOL Annex I coming into force on 1 January 2007 as did the amendments to CAS by resolution MEPC.131(53) the purpose of this publication is to provide an easy reference to the up-to-date provisions of CAS including incorporation of all of the amendments that have been adopted by the MEPC up to and including the amendments adopted by resolution MEPC.131(53).

Directrices para la clasificación provisional de líquidos transportados a granel
Jan 1998
These Guidelines were approved in conjunction with the extension of the unified interpretation of regulation 3(4) of Annex II of MARPOL which made it possible for Administrations to authorize manufacturers to carry out provisional assessments on IMO’s behalf. The Guidelines also provide step-by-step procedures for ascertaining the carriage requirements of all liquids offered for bulk carriage.
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