Oil pollution
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اتفاقية ماربول
الاتفاقية الدولية لمنع التلوث من السفن لعام 1973
تُعنى الاتفاقية الدولية لمنع التلوث من السفن لعام 1973 (اتفاقية ماربول) بالحفاظ على البيئة البحرية عبر الحيلولة دون تلوثها بالزيت وسائر المواد الضارة والتخفيف إلى الحد الأدنى من التسرُّب العرَضَي لهذه المواد. وتُعرَض الجوانب الفنية لهذه الاتفاقية في ستة مرفقات، اعتُمدت المرفقات الخمسة الأولى منها بموجب اتفاقية عام 1973، في صيغتها المعدلة ببروتوكول عام 1978 . وتتناول هذه المرفقات مسائل تلوث البحار من جراء الزيت والمواد الضارة السائلة السائبة والمواد الضارة المعبّأة المنقولة بحراً وقاذورات مجارير السفن والقمامة من السفن. واعتُمد المرفق VI ببروتوكول آخر في عام 1997، وهو يتناول تلوث الهواء من جراء السفن.
وتقدم الطبعة الجامعة لعام 2022 مرجعاً سهلاً و شاملاً إلى آخر الأحكام المحدَّثة من مواد اتفاقية ماربول ومن تفسيراتها الموحدة وبروتوكولاتها ومرفقاتها، مع إدراج كل التعديلات التي اعتمدتها لجنة حماية البيئة البحرية (MEPC) التي دخلت حيّز النفاذ اعتباراً من 1 تشرين الثاني/ نوفمبر 2022.
Международная конвенция по предотвращению загрязнения моря с судов 1973 года (Конвенция МАРПОЛ) направлена на сохранение морской среды путем предотвращения загрязнения нефтью и другими вредными веществами и сведения к минимуму случайных сбросов таких веществ. Она включает шесть приложений технического характера первые пять из которых были приняты в соответствии с Конвенцией 1973 года измененной Протоколом 1978 года. Данные приложения охватывают загрязнение моря нефтью вредными жидкими веществами перевозимыми наливом вредными веществами в упаковке сточными водами с судов и мусором с судов. Приложение VI было принято Протоколом 1997 года и охватывает загрязнение воздушной среды с судов.
Сводное издание 2022 года представляет собой простой в использовании всеобъемлющий сборник действующих положений и единых толкований статей протоколов и приложений к Конвенции МАРПОЛ включая все поправки которые были одобрены Комитетом по защите морской среды (КЗМС) и вступили в силу до 1 ноября 2022 года включительно.
El Convenio internacional para prevenir la contaminación por los buques 1973 (Convenio MARPOL) tiene como finalidad la conservación del medio marino mediante la prevención de la contaminación por hidrocarburos y otras sustancias perjudiciales y la reducción al mínimo de las descargas accidentales de tales sustancias. Su contenido técnico está recogido en seis anexos de los cuales los cinco primeros fueron adoptados como parte del Convenio de 1973 modificado por el Protocolo de 1978. Estos anexos tratan de la contaminación por hidrocarburos por sustancias nocivas líquidas a granel por sustancias perjudiciales transportadas por mar en bultos por las aguas sucias de los buques y por las basuras de los buques. El Anexo VI fue adoptado mediante otro protocolo en 1997 y trata de la contaminación atmosférica ocasionada por los buques.
La edición refundida de 2022 tiene por objeto facilitar la consulta de las disposiciones e interpretaciones unificadas actualizadas de los artículos Protocolos y Anexos del Convenio MARPOL e incorpora todas las enmiendas que han sido adoptadas por el Comité de protección del medio marino (MEPC) con entrada en vigor hasta el 1 de noviembre de 2022.
Convention MARPOL
Convention Internationale de 1973 pour la Prévention de la Pollution par les Navires
La Convention internationale de 1973 pour la prévention de la pollution par les navires (Convention MARPOL) a pour objet de protéger le milieu marin en prévenant la pollution par les hydrocarbures et autres substances nuisibles et en réduisant au minimum les déversements accidentels de ces substances. Les règles techniques qu’elle contient sont énoncées dans ses six Annexes dont les cinq premières figuraient dans la Convention de 1973 telle que modifiée par le Protocole de 1978. Ces Annexes portent sur la pollution des mers par les hydrocarbures par les substances liquides nocives transportées en vrac par les substances nuisibles transportées par mer en colis par les eaux usées des navires et par les ordures des navires. L’Annexe VI a été adoptée par un autre Protocole en 1997 et porte sur la pollution de l’atmosphère par les navires.
L’édition récapitulative de 2022 vise à permettre de se reporter facilement à toutes les versions à jour des dispositions et Interprétations uniformes des articles des Protocoles et des Annexes de la Convention MARPOL en incorporant tous les amendements adoptés par le Comité de la protection du milieu marin (MEPC) en vigueur au 1er novembre 2022.
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 (MARPOL Convention) is concerned with preserving the marine environment through the prevention of pollution by oil and other harmful substances and the minimization of accidental discharge of such substances. Its technical content is laid out in six Annexes the first five of which were adopted by the 1973 Convention as modified by a 1978 Protocol. These Annexes cover pollution of the sea by oil by noxious liquid substances in bulk by harmful substances in packaged form by sewage from ships and by garbage from ships. Annex VI was adopted by a further Protocol in 1997 and covers air pollution from ships.
The 2022 consolidated edition provides an easy and comprehensive reference to the up-to-date provisions and unified interpretations of the articles Protocols and Annexes of the MARPOL Convention including the incorporation of all of the amendments that have been adopted by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) with entry into force up to 1 November 2022.
Guide on the Implementation of the OPRC Convention and OPRC-HNS Protocol
The Guide to the Implementation of the OPRC Convention and OPRC-HNS Protocol provides a step-wise approach for the planning preparedness and implementation process at national and regional levels; and identifies existing publications and available support mechanisms to assist.
Manual on Oil Pollution: Section II – Contingency Planning
This publication aims to assist governments in establishing a national oil spill response system and in developing or revising their national oil spill contingency plans. The manual also includes information related to contingency planning for offshore installations sea ports and oil handling facilities.
Guide on Oil Spill Response in Ice and Snow Conditions
This Guide aims to identify and describe the key considerations directly associated with a response to a marine oil spill in ice and snow conditions anywhere in the world. By addressing elements of planning and preparedness for marine and coastal oil spills in addition to the fate and behaviour of oil spills in ice and snow as well as potential response strategies and options this guide aims to assist incident managers and decision makers in safely implementing an effective response.
IMO In-Situ Burning Guidelines
These guidelines provide critical information and recommendations for the use of in-situ burning (ISB) on open water in the offshore environment generally 5 kilometres from land and and in ice-covered waters. These guidelines will allow the response community to understand and take full advantage of ISB technology as another tool for improved spill response.
Guidelines on International Offers of Assistance in Response to a Marine Oil Pollution Incident
This publication provides Guidelines on international offers of assistance (IOA) in response to a marine Oil pollution incident and is designed for use by any country particularly parties to the International Convention on Oil pollution Preparedness Response and Co-operation 1990 (OPRC 1990) as a tool to assist in managing requests for spill response resources and offers of assistance from other countries and organizations when confronted with large complex or significant oil spill incidents.
Although developed by a technical group of the IMO these guidelines could be used during large complex or significant oil spills within inland areas as well as marine or coastal environments. While these guidelines can play an important role in the implementation of the OPRC 1990 Convention they are not prescriptive or legally binding and are meant as a tool to assist as needed.
Operational Guidelines on Sunken and Submerged Oil Assessment and Removal Techniques
The aim of the Guidelines is to provide practical guidance for assessing and responding to incidents involving sunken oil. Their scope is confined to sunken and submerged oil and does not include oil on sunken wrecks. The Guidelines also include references to other information sources.
Use of Sorbents for Spill Response
An Operational Guide
This guide aims to provide practical guidance to operators that may consider the use of sorbents as part of response operations to accidental oil or chemical pollution. Subjects covered in the guide include sorbent types specifications particularities regulations deployment techniques waste disposal and precautions of use.
Guideline for Oil Spill Response in Fast Currents
The aim of this Guideline is to provide essential information and a practical aid to oil spill response personnel for the development of response strategies and for the implementation of oil spill containment and clean-up measures in a fast water environment. It is intended for personnel who already have an understanding of the basics of oil containment and recovery using conventional spill response equipment such as booms and skimmers and provide information on the particular considerations and strategies that are required for pollution response in fast currents.
Directives pour la lutte contre les déversements d’hydrocarbures dans les courants rapides
Les présentes directives ont pour objet de fournir au personnel chargé de la lutte contre les déversements d’hydrocarbures des renseignements essentiels et une aide pratique pour l’élaboration de stratégies d’intervention et la mise en œuvre de mesures de confinement et de nettoyage en cas de déversement d’hydrocarbures dans les eaux rapides.
Elles sont destinées aux personnes qui connaissent déjà les principes de base du confinement et de la récupération des hydrocarbures à l’aide du matériel classique de lutte contre les déversements tels les barrages et les écrémeurs et elles contiennent des renseignements sur les aspects à prendre en considération et les stratégies à adopter pour lutter contre la pollution dans les courants rapides.
Guía para la respuesta a derrames de hidrocarburos en corrientes rápidas
La presente publicación tiene por objeto proporcionar información esencial y una ayuda práctica para el personal de respuesta en caso de derrame de hidrocarburos a fin de poder elaborar estrategias de respuesta y poner en práctica medidas de contención y de limpieza del derrame de hidrocarburos en entornos de corrientes rápidas.
Está dirigida al personal que ya tiene un conocimiento de los aspectos básicos de la contención y recuperación de hidrocarburos utilizando equipo convencional de respuesta en caso de derrame como las barreras flotantes y las raseras y proporciona información sobre las estrategias necesarias para la respuesta en caso de contaminación en corrientes rápidas.
Guidance Document on the Implementation of an Incident Management System (IMS)
This publication prepared by the OPRC-HNS Technical Group and approved by IMO’s Marine environmental Protection Committee provides guidance on the establishment of an incident management system (IMS) for marine pollution incidents.
Manual on Oil Pollution: Section I – Prevention
This Section of the Manual on Oil pollution is intended to provide practical guidance related to the prevention of pollution from ships and describes procedures for the handling of oil cargoes bunkering ship-to-ship transfer operations transfer operations involving offshore units and operations in ice-covered waters. It also provides an overview of the various prevention practices as a complement to the more detailed industry standards and Codes of Practice currently available.
The information provided is not intended to supersede or replace any information law or regulation contained in any other publication with respect to the waters and areas to which it pertains.
Manuel OMI/PNUE sur l’évaluation des dommages causés à l’environnement par les déversements d’hydrocarbures en mer et la restauration du milieu
Le présent Manuel a pour objet de donner des orientations relatives aux stratégies susceptibles d'être mises en oeuvre pour évaluer les dommages et la régénération de l'environnement en cas de pollution accidentelle de la mer. Les techniques disponibles sont examinées parallèlement aux critères permettant d'évaluer si les mesures envisagées entraîneraient une régénération adéquate des milieux sinistrés.
Le Manuel insiste sur l'importance que revêt la planification préalable et présente un aperçu général des techniques d'évaluation et des mesures de réparation à mettre en œuvre pour différents écosystèmes. Il fournit également des indications relatives aux possibilités d'indemnisation dans le cadre des régimes internationaux d'indemnisation pour les dommages dus à la pollution par les hydrocarbures. Des exemples pratiques d'évaluation des ressources naturelles et de restauration sont fournis sous forme d'études de cas.
Manuel sur la pollution par les hydrocarbures : Section I – Prévention
La présente section du Manuel sur la pollution par les hydrocarbures vise à fournir des indications pratiques relatives à la prévention de la pollution par les hydrocarbures en décrivant les procédures relatives à la manipulation des cargaisons d’hydrocarbures au mazoutage et aux opérations de transfert de navire à navire de transfert faisant intervenir des unités au large et dans les eaux couvertes de glace. Elle donne également un aperçu des diverses pratiques de prévention employées en complément des normes détaillées du secteur maritime et des codes de conduite actuellement en vigueur. Les renseignements fournis dans le présent document ne visent pas à annuler ni à remplacer les informations législations ou réglementations contenues dans d’autres publications relatives aux eaux et aux zones auxquelles ils se rapportent.
MANUAL OMI/PNUMA sobre la evaluación de los daños ocasionados al medio ambiente y su rehabilitación tras un derrame de hidrocarburos en el mar
The objective of the Manual is to provide guidance on strategies that may be used to assess the damage and subsequent recovery of the environment resulting from marine pollution incidents. Available techniques are considered together with criteria to help judge the feasibility of such measures to bring about successful recovery of those environments.
The Manual emphasizes the importance of pre-spill planning and provides an overview of assessment techniques and restoration measure in various ecosystems. It also provides guidance on opportunities for compensation through the international oil compensation schemes. Practical examples of natural resource assessment and restoration are provided through a series of case studies.
Manual sobre la contaminación ocasionada por Hidrocarburos: Parte I – Prevención
Esta Parte del Manual sobre la contaminación ocasionada por hidrocarburos se ha proyectado para suministrar orientaciones prácticas relativas a la prevención de la contaminación por los buques y contiene procedimientos para la manipulación de cargas de hidrocarburos toma de combustible operaciones de trasbordo de buque a buque operaciones de trasbordo en unidades mar adentro y operaciones en aguas cubiertas de hielo. Suministra además una visión general de las diversas prácticas que complementa las normas más detalladas del sector y los códigos de prácticas actualmente en uso. La información facilitada no anula ni sustituye la información leyes o reglamentos de ninguna otra publicación por lo que respecta a las aguas y zonas a las que se refiere.
Manual on Oil Spill Risk Evaluation and Assessment of Response Preparedness
This Manual provides:
- Information on oil spill risk evaluation and assessment for the development of preparedness and response
- Guidance for industry and Governments particularly those of developing countries in assessing risk and the adequacy of contingency plans
- Suggestions on how to resolve the potentially complex and varied issues of the assessment process
IMO/UNEP Guidance Manual on the Assessment and Restoration of Environmental Damage following Marine Oil Spills
The objective of the Manual is to provide guidance on strategies that may be used to assess the damage and subsequent recovery of the environment resulting from marine pollution incidents. Available techniques are considered together with criteria to help judge the feasibility of such measures to bring about successful recovery of those environments.
The Manual emphasizes the importance of pre-spill planning and provides an overview of assessment techniques and restoration measure in various ecosystems. It also provides guidance on opportunities for compensation through the international oil compensation schemes. Practical examples of natural resource assessment and restoration are provided through a series of case studies.
Manual sobre la contaminación ocasionada por hidrocarburos: Parte V – Aspectos administrativos de la lucha contra la contaminación por hidrocarburos
La presente parte del Manual sobre la contaminación ocasionada por hidrocarburos tiene por objeto ofrecer al lector en especial a los jefes en el lugar del siniestro a los organismos coordinadores y a otras partes que intervienen en la gestión de la lucha contra la contaminación por hidrocarburos una visión de los distintos intereses que se dan en una situación de emergencia debida a contaminación por hidrocarburos y durante sus secuelas así como un examen general de los regímenes del sector jurídicos y voluntarios internacionales que rigen la limitación de la responsabilidad y la indemnización de daños debidos a contaminación por hidrocarburos. El objetivo de la presente parte no es ofrecer observaciones autorizadas ni definitivas sobre las relaciones jurídicas entre las distintas entidades que intervienen en una situación de emergencia debida a contaminación por hidrocarburos ni una interpretación de los convenios internacionales pertinentes.
Manual on Oil Pollution: Section V – Administrative Aspects of Oil Pollution Response
This section of the Manual on Oil Pollution is intended to provide the reader in particular on-scene commanders lead agencies and others involved in the management of oil pollution response with an appreciation of the various interests involved in an oil pollution emergency and its aftermath as well as a general review of the international legal regimes governing limitation of liability and compensation for oil pollution damage.
Manuel sur la pollution par les hydrocarbures
Section V – Aspects administratifs des interventions de lutte contre la pollution par les hydrocarbures
La présente section du Manuel sur la pollution par les hydrocarbures a pour objet de donner au lecteur et notamment aux organismes de coordination aux commandants sur place et à tous ceux qui participent à la gestion de la lutte contre la pollution par les hydrocarbures une indication des intérêts en cause lors d’une situation d’urgence due à une pollution par des hydrocarbures et par la suite ainsi qu’un aperçu général des conventions internationales et accords professionnels qui régissent la limitation de la responsabilité et l’indemnisation pour les dommages dus à la pollution par les hydrocarbures. Cette section ne prétend pas être un commentaire autorisé ni définitif sur les relations juridiques qui existent entre les diverses parties en cause lors d’une situation d’urgence due à une pollution par des hydrocarbures ni une interprétation des conventions internationales applicables.
Manual on Oil Pollution: Section IV – Combating Oil Spills
This edition of Section IV draws on the experience and lessons learned by Governments and industry in responding to marine Oil pollution world-wide during the past thirty years. It builds on earlier editions and provides a clear and concise overview of the present level of knowledge expertise and understanding in the field of oil spill response. It covers the behaviour and fate of different types of oil when spilled and the effects on marine and coastal resources and includes new chapters on burning in situ and bioremediation measures.
Manual sobre la contaminación ocasionada por hidrocarburos: Parte IV – Lucha contra los derrames de hidrocarburos
This edition of Section IV draws on the experience and lessons learned by Governments and industry in responding to marine Oil pollution world-wide during the past thirty years. It builds on earlier editions and provides a clear and concise overview of the present level of knowledge expertise and understanding in the field of oil spill response.
It covers the behaviour and fate of different types of oil when spilled and the effects on marine and coastal resources and includes new chapters on burning in situ and bioremediation measures.
Manuel sur la pollution par les hydrocarbures
Section IV – Lutte contre les déversements d’hydrocarbures
La présente édition de la Section IV tire les leçons de l'expérience acquise dans le monde entier par les gouvernements et l'industrie en matière de lutte contre la pollution par les hydrocarbures au cours des trente dernières années. Elle complète la version précédente et dresse un aperçu clair et précis du niveau actuel des connaissances de l'expertise et de la compréhension en matière de réduction des effets des déversements d'hydrocarbures.
Cette section couvre le comportement et le cheminement des différents types d'hydrocarbures déversés et leurs effets sur les ressources marines et côtières et contient de nouveaux chapitres consacrés au brûlage sur place et aux mesures de biorestauration.
Bioremediation in Marine Oil Spills
The aim of these Guidelines is to provide users with clear criteria to enable them to evaluate the circumstances in which to consider the use of bioremediation for shoreline cleanup. These guidelines are not intended to address the treatment of waste-generated oil spills. They contain a summary of the most important bioremediation processes and decision-making criteria.
International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil pollution Damage, 2001
This publication contains the text of the Final Act of the International Conference on Liability and compensation for Bunker Oil pollution Damage 2001 which was held at IMO in London in March 2001. Attachment 1 to the Final Act is the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil pollution Damage 2001.
The Conference also adopted resolutions on
- Limitation of liability
- Promotion of technical co-operation
- Protection for persons taking measures to prevent or minimize the effects of Oil pollution
These resolutions are included in this publication which contains the English French and Spanish texts.
Protocole OPRC–HNS
Protocole de 2000 sur la préparation, la lutte et la coopération contre les événements de pollution par les substances nocives et potentiellement dangereuses
La présente publication reproduit les textes de l'Acte final de la Conférence y compris ses annexes et du Protocole de 2000 sur la préparation la lutte et la coopération contre les événements de pollution par les substances nocives et potentiellement dangereuses.
Responsabilité civile pour les dommages dus à la pollution par les hydrocarbures
Textes des Conventions sur la responsabilité et l’indemnisation pour les dommages dus à la pollution par les hydrocarbures
La présente publication contient les textes des documents établis à la suite des travaux de la Conférence internationale de 1992 sur la révision de la Convention de 1969 sur la responsabilité civile et de la Convention de 1971 portant création du Fonds qui s'est réunie à Londres en novembre 1992 ainsi que les textes récapitulatifs des deux Conventions telles que modifiées par les Protocoles de 1992.
Responsabilidad civil nacida de daños debidos a contaminacion por hidrocarburos
This publication contains the texts that resulted from the work of the 1992 International Conference on the Revision of the 1969 Civil Liability Convention and the 1971 Fund Convention which met in London in November 1992 as well as consolidated texts of the two Conventions as amended by the 1992 Protocols.
OPRC-HNS Protocol
Protocol on Preparedness, Response and Co-operation to Pollution Incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Substances, 2000
This publication reproduces the texts of the Final Act of the Conference including its Attachments and the Protocol on Preparedness Response and Co-operation to Pollution Incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Substances 2000.
Protocolo de Cooperación-SNPP
This publication reproduces the texts of the Final Act of the Conference including its Attachments and the Protocol on Preparedness Response and Co-operation to Pollution Incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Substances 2000.
IMO/FAO Guidance on Managing Seafood Safety During and after Oil Spills
This publication provides a very useful guide to identify the various problems that will affect fisheries and aquaculture enterprises in the event of an oil spill. This will be useful to spill responders and managers with responsibilities for protecting public health and those in the fisheries sector as well as consumers concerned about the safety and quality of seafood.
At its forty-first session the Marine environment protection Committee tasked the OPRC Working Group to develop a guidance document for fisheries management during and after an oil spill incident. Dr. Tosh Moller Technical Team Manager of the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Ltd. (ITOPF) prepared the draft guidance document and submitted it at MEPC 42.
Crude Oil Washing Systems
This publication contains:
- Revised specifications for the design operation and control of crude oil washing systems (resolution A.446(XI) as amended by resolutions A.497(XII) and A.897(21))
- Standard format for the Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manuals (resolution MEPC.3(XII) as amended by resolution MEPC.81(43))
- Examples of Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manuals
- Guidelines for in-port inspection of crude oil washing procedures
Manual on Oil Pollution: Section VI – IMO Guidelines for Sampling and Identification of Oil Spills
This Section is intended to provide guidance to Governments including those of developing countries on the techniques equipment and strategies for sampling oil to identify unknown sources of spilled oil. Although references are given for the laboratory methods required for analysis the emphasis in this text is on the details of the field work required to collect the samples.
Гражданская Ответственность за Ущерб от Загрязнения Нефтью
This publication contains the texts that resulted from the work of the 1992 International Conference on the Revision of the 1969 Civil Liability Convention and the 1971 Fund Convention which met in London in November 1992 as well as consolidated texts of the two Conventions as amended by the 1992 Protocols.
Field Guide for Oil Spill Response in Tropical Waters
This extensively illustrated field guide is directed towards those who have to respond to oil spills in tropical marine waters. It aims to provide information and general guidance on the response measures to be taken (and on those to be avoided) for the different types of tropical habitat.
Manual on Oil Pollution: Section III – Salvage
Section III of the Manual is intended to be used in conjunction with the national contingency plan described in Section II – Contingency Planning. The guidance in Section III will help Administrations and officials involved with Oil pollution casualties effectively to mitigate the effects of accidents whether there is a spillage from a tanker or the release of bunkers from dry cargo vessels or passenger vessels.
Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage
This publication contains the texts that resulted from the work of the 1992 International Conference on the Revision of the 1969 Civil Liability Convention and the 1971 Fund Convention which met in London in November 1992 as well as consolidated texts of the two Conventions as amended by the 1992 Protocols.
Directrices OMI/PNUMA sobre aplicación de los dispersantes de derrames de hidrocarburos y consideraciones ambientales
This publication contains practical information which may be useful to Governments particularly those of developing countries and to other concerned parties on the use of dispersants for dealing with oil spills at sea.
Directives OMI/PNUE sur l'application de dispersants contre les déversements d'hydrocarbures et considérations liées à l'environnement
La présente publication contient des informations pratiques qui peuvent être utiles aux gouvernements en particulier à ceux des pays en développement et à d'autres parties concernées sur l'utilisation de dispersants pour faire face aux déversements d'hydrocarbures en mer.
IMO/UNEP Guidelines on Oil Spill Dispersant Application
This publication contains practical information which may be useful to Governments particularly those of developing countries and to other concerned parties on the use of dispersants for dealing with oil spills at sea.
ﺍﻟﻤﺴﺆﻭﻟﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺪﻧﻴﺔ ﻋﻦ أﺿﺮﺍﺭ ﺍﻟﺘﻠﻮﺙ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺘﻲ
يتمثل الغرض من اتفاقية عام 1969 الدولية بشأن المسؤولية المدنية عن أضرار التلوث الزيتي (اتفاقية المسؤولية المدنية لعام 1969) في توفير قواعد ولوائح دولية للبت في المسائل المتعلقة بالمسؤولية التعويضية وكفالة تيسُّر التعويض الكافي لضحايا التلوث الزيتي وذلك بوضع مسؤولية التعويض على كاهل مالك السفينة. وتتضمن هذه الطبعة أيضاً بروتوكول عام 1976 لتنقيح الأحكام الخاصة بالوحدة الحسابية لاتفاقية المسؤولية المدنية.
مؤتمر انشاء صندوق دولي للتعويض عن اضرار التلوث الزيتي ، لعام 1971
المحضر الختامي للمؤتمر مع الضمائم بما في ذلك نص الاتفاقية المعتمدة
تتضمن هذه الوثيقة ما يلي:
- الوثيقة الختامية للمؤتمر؛
- الاتفاقية الدولية بشأن إنشاء صندوق دولي للتعويض عن أضرار التلوث الزيتي لعام 1971 (اتفاقية الصندوق)؛
- القرارات التي اعتمدها المؤتمر؛
- الملحق المتضمن لبروتوكول عام 1976 لتنقيح الأحكام المتعلقة بوحدة الحساب في اتفاقية عام 1971 بشأن إنشاء الصندوق © IMO 1993
OPRC Convention
International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-Operation, 1990
The International Convention on Oil pollution Preparedness Response and Co-operation 1990 was adopted at a conference convened in November 1990 for the purpose of establishing precautionary measures and effective preparation for combating Oil pollution incidents involving ships offshore units sea ports and oil handling facilities. The publication includes:
- Final Act of the Conference on International Co-operation on Oil pollution Preparedness and Response 1990;
- OPRC Convention 1990;
- Resolutions 1 to 10 adopted by the Conference.
Convention OPRC
La Convention internationale de 1990 sur la préparation la lutte et la coopération en matière de pollution par les hydrocarbures a été adoptée lors d'une conférence tenue en novembre 1990 dans le but d'établir des mesures de précaution et une préparation efficace pour lutter contre les événements de pollution par les hydrocarbures impliquant des navires et des unités au large des ports maritimes et des installations de manutention d'hydrocarbures.
La présente publication comprend :
- l'Acte final de la Conférence de 1990 sur la coopération internationale en matière de préparation et de lutte contre la pollution par les hydrocarbures;
- la Convention OPRC de 1990; et
- les résolutions 1 à 10 adoptées par la Conférence
The International Convention on Oil pollution Preparedness Response and Co-operation 1990 was adopted at a conference convened in November 1990 for the purpose of establishing precautionary measures and effective preparation for combating Oil pollution incidents involving ships offshore units sea ports and oil handling facilities. The publication includes:
- − Final Act of the Conference on International Co-operation on Oil pollution Preparedness and Response 1990;
- − OPRC Convention 1990;
- − Resolutions 1 to 10 adopted by the Conference.
Convenio de Cooperación
Convenio internacional sobre cooperación, preparación y lucha contra la contaminación por hidrocarburos, 1990
The International Convention on Oil pollution Preparedness Response and Co-operation 1990 was adopted at a conference convened in November 1990 for the purpose of establishing precautionary measures and effective preparation for combating Oil pollution incidents involving ships offshore units sea ports and oil handling facilities. The publication includes:
- Final Act of the Conference on International Co-operation on Oil pollution Preparedness and Response 1990;
- OPRC Convention 1990;
- Resolutions 1 to 10 adopted by the Conference.
国际油污事故公海干预公约(1969年) 和 1973 年非油类物质污染公海干预议定书
The Intervention Convention deals with the need to protect the interests of coastal States directly affected or threatened by the consequences of a maritime casualty which might result in pollution of the sea or coastlines by oil. This edition contains in addition to the Convention the Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oil 1973.
اتفاقية التصدي للتلوث الزيتي
اعتُمِدت الاتفاقية الدولية للاستعداد والتصدي والتعاون في ميدان التلوث الزيتي في مؤتمر عقد في تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 1990 بغرض وضع تدابير وقائية والاستعداد على نحو فعَّال لمكافحة حوادث التلوث الزيتي التي تقع على متن السفن والوحدات البحرية المتنقلة والموانئ البحرية ومرافق مناولة الزيت. وتتضمن المطبوعة ما يلي:
- الوثيقة الختامية لمؤتمر التعاون الدولي بشأن الاستعداد والتصدي والتعاون في ميدان التلوث الزيتي لعام 1990 ؛
- اتفاقية التصدي للتلوث الزيتي (OPRC) لعام 1990 ؛
- القرارات من 1 إلى 10 التي اعتمدها المؤتمر
اﺗﻔﺎﻗﻴﺔ عام 1969ﺍﻟﺪﻭﻟﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﻌﻠﻘﺔ ﺑﺎﻟﺘﺪﺧﻞ ﻓﻲ ﺃﻋـﺎﻟـﻲ ﺍﻟﺒـﺤـﺎﺭ ﻓﻲ ﺣﺎﻟﺔ ﻭﻗﻮﻉ ﺣﻮﺍﺩﺙ ﻣﺴﺒﺒﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﻠﻮﺙ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺘﻲ ﻭﺒﺮﻭﺗﻮﻛﻮﻝ عام 1973 ﺍﻟﻤﺘﻌﻠﻖ ﺑـﺎﻟﺘـﺪﺧﻞ ﻓﻲ ﺃﻋـﺎﻟـﻲ ﺍﻟﺒـﺤـﺎﺭ ﻓﻲ ﺣﺎﻻﺕ ﺍﻟﺘﻠﻮﺙ ﺑﻤﻮﺍﺩ ﻏﻴﺮ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺖ
تتناول اتفاقية التدخل مسألة ضرورة حماية الدول الساحلية التي تتعرض لضرر أو تهديد مباشر من جراء حادث نقل بحري من شأنه أن يؤدي إلى تلوث البحر أو السواحل بالزيت. وتتضمن هذه الطبعة، فضلاً عن الاتفاقية، بروتوكول عام 1973 المتعلق بالتدخل في أعالي البحار في حالات التلوث بمواد غير الزيت.
Convenio Internacional para Prevenir la Contaminación de las Aguas del Mar por Hidrocarburos, 1954, en su Forma Enmendada en 1962 y en 1969
This Convention was the first multilateral instrument to be concluded with the prime objective of protecting the environment. It is concerned with the agreement between the Governments involved to prevent pollution of the sea by oil discharged from ships. The text published is as amended in 1962 and 1969.
Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954, as amended in 1962 and 1969
This Convention was the first multilateral instrument to be concluded with the prime objective of protecting the environment. It is concerned with the agreement between the Governments involved to prevent pollution of the sea by oil discharged from ships. The text published is as amended in 1962 and 1969.
Convention internationale pour la prévention de la pollution des eaux de la mer par les hydrocarbures, 1954, telle que modifiée en 1963 et en 1969
La présente Convention a été le premier instrument multilatéral conclu avec pour objectif principal de protéger l'environnement. Cet instrument porte sur l'accord conclu entre les gouvernements concernés pour prévenir la pollution des eaux de la mer par les hydrocarbures rejetés des navires. Le texte publié est tel que modifié en 1962 et en 1969.
Convenio internacional sobre responsabilidad civil por daños causados por la contaminación de las aguas del mar por hidrocarburos 1969
Protocolo de 1976 correspondiente al Convenio internacional sobre responsabilidad civil por daños causados por la contaminación de las aguas del mar por hidrocarburos, 1969
The purpose of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil pollution Damage 1969 (CLC) is to provide uniform international rules and procedures for determining questions of liability and to ensure that adequate compensation is available to victims of Oil pollution by placing the liability for compensation upon the owner of the ship. The 1976 Protocol to Revise the Unit of Account Provisions of CLC is also included in this edition.
Official Records of the Conference on the Establishment of an International Compensation Fund for Oil pollution Damage, 1971
This publication comprises documents issued in connection with the Conference.
Convenio internacional relativo a la intervención en alta mar en casos de accidentes que causen una contaminación por hidrocarburos, 1969 y Protocolo relativo a la intervención en alta mar en casos de contaminación por sustancias distintas de los hidrocarburos, 1973
The Intervention Convention deals with the need to protect the interests of coastal States directly affected or threatened by the consequences of a maritime casualty which might result in pollution of the sea or coastlines by oil. This edition contains in addition to the Convention the Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oil 1973.
Convention internationale sur l’intervention en haute mer en cas d’accident entraînant ou pouvant entraîner une pollution par les hydrocarbures, 1969 et Protocole de 1973 sur l’intervention en haute mer en cas de pollution par des substances autres que les hydrocarbures
La Convention sur l'intervention traite de la nécessité de protéger les intérêts des États côtiers directement touchés ou menacés par les conséquences d'un accident maritime susceptible d'entraîner une pollution de la mer ou des côtes par les hydrocarbures. La présente édition comprend en plus de la Convention le Protocole de 1973 sur l’intervention en haute mer en cas de pollution par des substances autres que les hydrocarbures.
Международная Конвенция о Гражданской Ответственности за Ущерб от Загрязнения Нефтью и Протокол к Международной Конвенции о Гражданской Ответственности за Ущерз от Загрязнения Нефтью 1969 Г
The purpose of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil pollution Damage 1969 (CLC) is to provide uniform international rules and procedures for determining questions of liability and to ensure that adequate compensation is available to victims of Oil pollution by placing the liability for compensation upon the owner of the ship. The 1976 Protocol to Revise the Unit of Account Provisions of CLC is also included in this edition.
Convention internationale sur la responsabilité civile pour les dommages dus à la pollution par les hydrocarbures (1969) et Protocole de la Convention internationale de 1969 sur la responsabilité civile pour les dommages dus à la pollution par les hydrocarbures (1976)
L'objet de la Convention internationale sur la responsabilité civile pour les dommages dus à la pollution par les hydrocarbures 1969 est de fournir des règles et des procédures internationales uniformes pour déterminer les questions de responsabilité et de garantir une indemnisation adéquate aux victimes de la pollution par les hydrocarbures en mettant la responsabilité de l'indemnisation à la charge du propriétaire du navire. Le Protocole de 1976 visant à réviser les dispositions relatives à l'unité de compte de la Convention de Bruxelles est également inclus dans cette édition.
Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1969 and Protocol to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969 (1976)
The purpose of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1969 (CLC) is to provide uniform international rules and procedures for determining questions of liability and to ensure that adequate compensation is available to victims of Oil pollution by placing the liability for compensation upon the owner of the ship. The 1976 Protocol to Revise the Unit of Account Provisions of CLC is also included in this edition.
International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties, 1969 and Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oil, 1973
The Intervention Convention deals with the need to protect the interests of coastal States directly affected or threatened by the consequences of a maritime casualty which might result in pollution of the sea or coastlines by oil. This edition contains in addition to the Convention the Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oil 1973.
Конференция по Созданию Международного Фонда для Компенсации Ущерба от Загразнения Нефтью 1971г.
This publication contains:
- Final Act of the Conference
- International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil pollution
- Damage (Fund) 1971
- Resolutions adopted by the Conference;
- Supplement containing the 1976 Protocol to Revise the Unit of Account Provisions of the 1971 Fund
Conferencia sobre la Constitucion de un Fondo Internacional de Indemnizacion de Daños Causados por la Contaminacion de Hidrocarburos, 1971
This publication contains:
- − Final Act of the Conference
- − International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil pollution
Damage (Fund) 1971
- − Resolutions adopted by the Conference;
- − Supplement containing the 1976 Protocol to Revise the Unit of Account Provisions of the 1971 Fund
Conference on the Establishment of an International Compensation Fund for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971
[Final Act of the Conference with attachments including the text of the adopted Convention, Acte final de la Conférence avec documents joints comprenant le texte de la Convention adoptée]
This publication contains:
- Final Act of the Conference
- International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil pollution Damage (Fund) 1971
- Resolutions adopted by the Conference;
- Supplement containing the 1976 Protocol to Revise the Unit of Account Provisions of the 1971 Fund Convention